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Junior Member

Sharing Flow Sensor Data

Tuesday, July 14th 2020, 5:46am

I have a High Flow Sensor, a CPU block with Vision, and a D5 Next. All are connected to USB and basically working. I have Aquasuite set up and it's as impressive (or more!) than I'd even expected.

I can see the flow rate from my High Flow Sensor showing under its device ("mps") and can also see it under the the Overview Pages as a widget if I want to add it -- so far so good.

I can't figure out how to call up flow rate (from the High Flow Sensor) on any of the display screens on my CPU block or on my D5 Next. Seems hard to imagine this is not possible. They just show 0.0 l/h for flow.

Any advice appreciated!


Senior Member

Tuesday, July 14th 2020, 7:14am

aquasuite>Vision>display>Datenquelle>neuer Sensor>"mps"(High Flow, not d5)>Sensordaten>Flow

Hope this helps, and sorry I'm too lazy to look up the English names, but it should be a direct translation

ps: I think you must have at least AS file server running, if not the AS.

pps: have no "Next" but should work the same way

This post has been edited 3 times, last edit by "EnigmaG" (Jul 14th 2020, 7:47am)


Junior Member

Tuesday, July 14th 2020, 5:16pm

aquasuite>Vision>display>Datenquelle>neuer Sensor>"mps"(High Flow, not d5)>Sensordaten>Flow

Hope this helps, and sorry I'm too lazy to look up the English names, but it should be a direct translation

ps: I think you must have at least AS file server running, if not the AS.

pps: have no "Next" but should work the same way

Thank you! That solved the problem on the (CPU block) Vision display.

I still don't see how to do similar on the D5 Next display -- if anyone else has a suggestion, I'd really appreciate some more help. I can add the High Flow Sensor as a data source ("D5 Next" -> "Sensors"), but I can't see how to change data sources in order to select it for any of its displays under "D5 Next" -> "Display".


Senior Member

Tuesday, July 14th 2020, 6:19pm

Sorry i can not help you.
Thought there should be a display tab just like the Vision.


Junior Member

Tuesday, July 14th 2020, 9:20pm

Sorry i can not help you.
Thought there should be a display tab just like the Vision.
Thanks anyway, EnigmaG.

There is a display tab, but the various pre-made panels under it seem only able to be turned on or off, not modified.


Senior Member

Saturday, July 25th 2020, 2:23pm

Can you send me a picture like that from the pump side, you made me curious.


Junior Member

Saturday, July 25th 2020, 4:00pm

Can you send me a picture like that from the pump side, you made me curious.
As you can see, the interface for the pump display is different than the interface for the vision display.


This post has been edited 4 times, last edit by "mstern" (Jul 25th 2020, 4:06pm)