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A question about the Aquasuite license

Saturday, August 15th 2020, 8:26pm

I have a question about the license for Aquasuite
In 2019 I bought a Quadro, it was installed on 10.09.2019, the license expires on 11.09.2021.
A few days ago I bought a Octo, it was installed on 11.08.2020. Why the license expires on 12.02.2021. Shouldn't it have expired on 12.08.2022?

Thanak you!
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This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "crristib" (Aug 15th 2020, 9:16pm)


Full Member

RE: A question about the Aquasuite license

Saturday, August 15th 2020, 9:22pm

I have a question about the license for Aquasuite
In 2019 I bought a Quadro, it was installed on 10.09.2019, the license expires on 11.09.2021.
A few days ago I bought a Octo, it was installed on 11.08.2020. Why the license expires on 12.02.2021. Shouldn't it have expired on 12.08.2022?

Thanak you!
When the Quadro first launched they gave it a 24 (i thought 18?) month license for the early adopters i think. The Octo comes with a standard 6 month license.

But don´t worry: Even without an active license your hardware and software runs just fine! You won´t get any newer versions but thats it. Mine expired on 4.4.20 and i haven´t noticed anything.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Diago" (Aug 15th 2020, 9:26pm)

Saturday, August 15th 2020, 9:35pm

I understand, then I think it's all right :) Thank you!

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