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Junior Member

Aquasuite RGBpx Controller Limit

Mittwoch, 16. September 2020, 19:32


I understand the number of LEDs limit with RGBpx devices. However, I can't find anything online that says how many controllers within the Aquasuite app you can use with the LEDs. It appears in using the app that it's limited to 6 controllers per "strip." I say that because after I have 6 set up, I can't add any others. I just wanted to be sure that's the case and it's not just something I'm doing wrong.

If it is indeed a limit of 6 per strip, please consider adding more in a future update. As just an example, in my case, some of my fans are Corsair LL120s. They have an inner ring of LEDs and an outer-ring of LEDs. It really looks sharp when they are set to different colors, but to do that, with the number of fans I have, I end up with enough RGBpx resources for the LEDs themselves (i.e. number of LEDs is not limiting), but the number of controllers is limiting, since that doubles the number of controllers required.


Mittwoch, 16. September 2020, 21:06

The available amount of controllers depends on the hardware that you use. In your case I assume we are speaking of the D5 NEXT?

Its controller count was already increased with a firmware update a while ago. There is no chance to increase this any further. You have to keep in mind that besides these LED controllers the CPU (inside the pump) also has to handle all the other stuff that happens.

The most LED controllers are offered by the farbwerk 360 since this controller is specially made for LED control. It has 20 independent controllers and you can duplicate them to other LED areas for a total count of up to 60 (means you can have 40 duplicates).


Junior Member

Mittwoch, 16. September 2020, 21:20

Thank you for the reply and the explanation!

In this case, it's actually my Octo (which has Splitty4's attached), but I actually do also have a D5 Next too.

I'm gonna have to look into getting a Farbwerk 360 next! :)