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Running out of RGBpx ports???

Tuesday, October 6th 2020, 2:17pm

I have an Aquaero 6xt and 2 x Farbwerk 360's connected via USB
1 of the farbwerk 360 is mounted behind a monitor controlling back of monitor ambient rgbpx strips
The other farbwerk 360 is in the PC and each of the 4 channels are linked to splitty4's and 4 x Corsair ML120 fans on each of the 4 radiators.

I also want to add D-RGB control (via a D-RGB > RGBpx adaptor) of an EKWB RTX3090 graphics card but I have run out of RGBpx connections and I believe I can only connect 2 farbwerk360 to the system.

Any ideas on how I can solve this?

Also.....currently although all fans run OK only one set of 4 fans LEDs on 1 of the radiators light up. Nothing has been configured yet so is it just that I need to configure the other fan LEDs to the other channels in Aquasuite?



Tuesday, October 6th 2020, 3:53pm

You can connect as many devices as you want (with a usb hub).


Full Member

Tuesday, October 6th 2020, 7:20pm

I bet you havent run out of 90 leds limit at least at some of 8 total farbwerk360 channels.
E.g. Splitty4 has "out" connector, and using rgbpx extender cable with this connector you would be able to connect EKWB D-RGB waterblock.
You may not even need cable and mentioned connector, as Splitty4 has a mobo-type 3-pin connector labeled "Asus" on it.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "k2viper" (Oct 6th 2020, 7:21pm)