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High Flow NEXT RGBpx output not working? (RESOLVED)

Freitag, 4. Dezember 2020, 00:50

Hello there!

I have a High Flow NEXT with the aquabus connected to the Aquero, the USB is connected, and the RGBpx is connected to a reservoir ring that came with the D5 Pump. The LED ring on the High Flow NEXT works just fine, but the ring on the reservoir connected to the RGBpx port on the High Flow NEXT wont light up.

Am I missing something? This ring bad, or do I need to get additional equipment?

I have tried High Flow NEXT connected to USB and RGBpx output connected to the IN on the reservoir ring with no aquabus connected, no light.

I have tried High Flow NEXT connected to USB and RGBpx output connected to the IN on the reservoir ring with the aquabus connected to the aquero, no light. (Manual says I can use both USB and Aquabus)

I am unable to disconnect the Aquabus on the D5 Pump and test the RGPpx output there as it is mounted and plumbed already. :(

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »nightlust« (6. Dezember 2020, 04:25)


Freitag, 4. Dezember 2020, 03:36

A couple of quick silly questions, because it's usually the silly things...
1. Have you checked and updated the firmware on everything?
2. Have you actually set the ring to do something, with its own LED Controller and so on, in the RGBpx section of the High Flow NEXT page in Aquasuite?

Freitag, 4. Dezember 2020, 07:30

Yeah I have a LED controller set for every 10 all the way to 90 (total of 7 controllers if you count the built in ring).

All devices are up to date firmware wise. External 1-90 plugged in to a ring around the pump just wont light up? Think the ring is bad? I hope the flow sensor is not bad.


Samstag, 5. Dezember 2020, 04:02

What part of your kit has 90 LEDs?
The D5 NEXT pump only has 6 around its base.

The reservoir ring only has 13.

If you're putting all those controllers through the LED ring at the same time (assuming that's what 'Pump' is on that page), it might be causing a conflict...

Try it with just one controller covering 13 LEDs, and slide it up and down the 90-scale (pause after each slide, to let it save the settings) to see if it's got a different address, although I'd think it should be just the first 13.

Also go into the Profile settings under both the D5 and High Flow sections, as well as the Global Profiles under Playground, and just check you haven't selected the wrong one(s).

I assume you have checked every cable is seated properly?
I don't have an Aquaero, but is there not an RGBpx connector on that which you could connect the ring directly to? If so, see if there's a separate RGBpx tab and try a single controller setup on there?

Samstag, 5. Dezember 2020, 20:08

I have done as suggested, and deleted all but one controller on the 90 LED. I have it set to 13 and moved it let it save, moved it again, etc.. Still no light.

I have checked all the cables and they are seated properly. I have ordered a RGBpx nano I am going to try and see if the ring works. If not I will send it back I guess or attempt replacing the strip inside the ring with the 2 that comes with the nano I purchased.

Any other suggestions? You are all amazing help btw!

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »nightlust« (5. Dezember 2020, 20:10)


Sonntag, 6. Dezember 2020, 04:25

Got it resolved. Turned out the RGBpx cable was bad. Tried a new one and it works like a charm!

Thanks again for the help!

Montag, 7. Dezember 2020, 13:49

Also it worth mentioning that RGBpx strips/rings/etc have "polarity", it is strict to connect a cable to an "IN" connector of the strip/ring, even though connectors of IN and OUT look the same.

Dienstag, 8. Dezember 2020, 19:43

Got it resolved. Turned out the RGBpx cable was bad. Tried a new one and it works like a charm!

Thanks again for the help!

Ah, that must have been annoying.

Glad you got it sorted, though.