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D5 NEXT & Corsair PSU + Questions

Sunday, December 6th 2020, 11:20pm

Hello, I am about to build my watercolling loop
I am using an Ultitube D5 200 Pro res with D5 NEXT pump
I read that Corsair High wattage psu can damage the pump, is there any official statement on this problem ? any solution?

I want to use an OCTO with my d5 NEXT pump and a simple flow sensor
I will use the FAN connection on D5 for the flow sensor and I will connect 8 fans to OCTO
-Do I need a Aquabus device in order to work? Cause I have an Aquaero 5 LT which I am thinking not use
-Which simple flow sensor can I use?


Full Member

Monday, December 7th 2020, 1:59pm

There should be no issues with any wattage PSU from any brand, it it's supplying 12v and 5v voltages through SATA connector within the appropriate voltage range.
Aquaero is not strictly needed for your setup, you can use it if you have it though.

high flow LT is simpliest flow sensor to be used with D5 NEXT or OCTO.


Junior Member

Tuesday, December 8th 2020, 4:27am

I'm curious about this as well, if you go to Dazmode (Canadian watercooling retailer) it explicitly states on the page regarding the D5 Next and Corsair PSUs:

ATTENTION: There is a known issue with Corsair high-wattage PSU that can damage this pump electronics when used for bleeding or under a very small load. PSU overvolts under a small load and blows electronics. We recommend you do not use Corsair PSU with this product and do not use any high-wattage PSU for leak testing or testing purposes. PSU inflicted damage to the pump controller will be not covered by an Aquacomputer warranty.

I have not seen this posted anywhere else.


Full Member

Tuesday, December 8th 2020, 7:35am

Well, you can buy low-wattage psu with molex from aliexpress or DIY electronics store and use it for leak testing then. Like this: https://aliexpress.ru/item/33049183289.h…_id=67393798774


Full Member

Tuesday, December 8th 2020, 12:16pm

I'm curious about this as well, if you go to Dazmode (Canadian watercooling retailer) it explicitly states on the page regarding the D5 Next and Corsair PSUs:

ATTENTION: There is a known issue with Corsair high-wattage PSU that can damage this pump electronics when used for bleeding or under a very small load. PSU overvolts under a small load and blows electronics. We recommend you do not use Corsair PSU with this product and do not use any high-wattage PSU for leak testing or testing purposes. PSU inflicted damage to the pump controller will be not covered by an Aquacomputer warranty.

I have not seen this posted anywhere else.
I purged and bled all three of my D5 Next pumps using my Corsair AX1600i. None of them died.

Wednesday, December 9th 2020, 8:43pm

I have Dr. Drop for that :D
Well, you can buy low-wattage psu with molex from aliexpress or DIY electronics store and use it for leak testing then. Like this: https://aliexpress.ru/item/33049183289.h…_id=67393798774


Junior Member

Thursday, December 10th 2020, 4:45am

Well, you can buy low-wattage psu with molex from aliexpress or DIY electronics store and use it for leak testing then. Like this: https://aliexpress.ru/item/33049183289.h…_id=67393798774
Yeah, I have a separate low-wattage PSU I use for leak testing anyways, just strange that such a bold claim is only on one site. It makes me doubt it. Anyways, not a big deal - just wondered if I was missing it anywhere on this site/anywhere else about this disclaimer.

Thursday, December 17th 2020, 2:58am

i saw this as well on dazmode's site. I would have ordered a D5 NEXT + res if this notice wasnt posted. Corsair HX1000 was already on the way.
That notice on dazmode's site cost him, and indirectly AquaComputer, a sale.
You might want to reach out and see what is up.

Sunday, January 31st 2021, 11:07pm

Hello again !
I have some more questions so I am not gonna open a new threat . Instead I will edit this one and make it worth as a basic guide for future users!

So my custom loop is finally done and I was wondering
1)Can I use the D5 Next fan plug to connect a SPLITTY 9 ACTIVE or OCTO and mount all my fans in this so I can adjust the fans based on water temperature of my loop ?
2)If I do 1) how can I mount a flow sensor to my loop ?


Senior Member

Monday, February 1st 2021, 6:37pm

1a) Yes, you can connect a Splitty9 active to the D5 Next Pump. But then you cant connect a Flow Sensor.

1b) No, you cant connect a OCTO to the D5 Pump. The OCTO is a seperate controller that needs an USB connection to the Motherboard.

You can connect a flow Sensor to the OCTO, and use the OCTO to control your Fans. You can connect a temperature sensor to the OCTO, too.
If the Aquasuite Software is running, you can send the temperature reading from the D5 Next to the OCTO using the USB Connections to the Motherboard.

Sunday, February 14th 2021, 8:11pm

1)Can I Use SPLITTY 9 (not the active) to connect my fans (9 fans) to the D5 next?
2)Do you know why aquasuite is using 40% cpu ?

Monday, February 15th 2021, 5:27am

1)Can I Use SPLITTY 9 (not the active) to connect my fans (9 fans) to the D5 next?
2)Do you know why aquasuite is using 40% cpu ?

As long as your 9 fans don't exceed the 25w rating of the PWM on the D5 Next
"no shit lady, does it sound like i'm ordering pizza?"

Monday, February 15th 2021, 1:22pm

2)Do you know why aquasuite is using 40% cpu ?

It may be related to THIS THREAD.

This post has been edited 3 times, last edit by "InfoSeeker" (Feb 15th 2021, 1:27pm)