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I purged and bled all three of my D5 Next pumps using my Corsair AX1600i. None of them died.I'm curious about this as well, if you go to Dazmode (Canadian watercooling retailer) it explicitly states on the page regarding the D5 Next and Corsair PSUs:
ATTENTION: There is a known issue with Corsair high-wattage PSU that can damage this pump electronics when used for bleeding or under a very small load. PSU overvolts under a small load and blows electronics. We recommend you do not use Corsair PSU with this product and do not use any high-wattage PSU for leak testing or testing purposes. PSU inflicted damage to the pump controller will be not covered by an Aquacomputer warranty.
I have not seen this posted anywhere else.
Well, you can buy low-wattage psu with molex from aliexpress or DIY electronics store and use it for leak testing then. Like this:…_id=67393798774
Yeah, I have a separate low-wattage PSU I use for leak testing anyways, just strange that such a bold claim is only on one site. It makes me doubt it. Anyways, not a big deal - just wondered if I was missing it anywhere on this site/anywhere else about this disclaimer.Well, you can buy low-wattage psu with molex from aliexpress or DIY electronics store and use it for leak testing then. Like this:…_id=67393798774
1)Can I Use SPLITTY 9 (not the active) to connect my fans (9 fans) to the D5 next?
2)Do you know why aquasuite is using 40% cpu ?
This post has been edited 3 times, last edit by "InfoSeeker" (Feb 15th 2021, 1:27pm)