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RGBpx set up question

Sunday, February 21st 2021, 4:46am


I am confused about the way to set up RGBpx for my system. I can build the water cooling system fine, but this is what is giving me the most trouble :whistling:

I have the following items: Ulititube 250 D5 NEXT, Strix 3090 Waterblock, Octo.

What would be the easiest way and how to connect these? There is the D5 next LEDs, RGBpx ring for the Ulitutube and RGBpx on the waterblock.

I am just confused by the IN/OUT connections. My idea what to connect the waterblock directly to the Octo OUT if possible. For the D5 Next, I was guessing to connect the RGBpx ring (OUT) to the D5 next? But I have no idea if that will work.

Any info would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "ref" (Feb 21st 2021, 5:06am)

RE: RGBpx set up question

Sunday, February 21st 2021, 5:04pm

Ultitube 150 PRO?

The D5 NEXT's LEDs are controlled internally in the pump from the RGBpx tab in aquasuite. d5rgb.jpg

If not using aquabus, the Ultitube RGBpx Ring can also be driven from the D5 NEXT's RGBpx/aquabus port. (same RGBpx tab as for the D5 itself)

Depending on how high you place the ring on the Ultitube, you would get one of THESE cables.
Then run the cable from the D5 NEXT RGBpx/aquabus port to the IN port on the RGBpx Ring.
Be sure the RGBpx/aquabus port is set to RGBpx in the pumps settings (I don't know the default)

The waterblock can be driven by the OCTO using a cable from the link above and going to the IN port of the waterblock's RGBpx LEDs.

If you were to use the RGBpx/aquabus port on the D5 NEXT for aquabus, you would have to change the RGBpx ring cable and daisychain from the waterblock's RGBpx LED OUT port, to the Ultitube Ring IN port.