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Still finding my way some advice needed

Dienstag, 28. September 2021, 22:06

New both here and to aquasuite, was fully icue but this is unbelievably better. I have an Octo , farbwerk360, splitty9 active and hubby7.

I'm controlling 2x 360 rads in a thermaltake view 51 and 1x 480 external rad, so a total of 13 fans (1 is being used to keep an external FLT 360 with ddc pump cool and the other is just helping force more air into my PSU) Running 2x ddc as I've got lots of vertical runs going into a false roof plus the external stuff, and too much rgb for my own good
what im trying to do is make a clock either digital or analogue to sit on an overview page.I have a time folder in the aquacomputer services tab so i can set hour, minute etc.
my issue is that i either set it to 1 decimal point or 0. For example 09:08 reads 9.0 8.0 with 1 decimal point and 9 8 with 0. Every thing is fine when both are in double figures when set at 0 decimal points.

Is there anywhere to import a clock or any pointers on how to go about this in the playground?

Sorry did this on my phone last night and my question wasnt included lol

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 3 mal editiert, zuletzt von »sneakyscotsman« (29. September 2021, 10:33)

Mittwoch, 29. September 2021, 01:48

Sounds pretty good...

What advice do you need?

Mittwoch, 29. September 2021, 04:00

My advice is buy another Farbwerk360. I tested it and 2 is better than one. :D As a fellow former iCue sufferer, welcome.