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Junior Member

Aquasuite x.47 and sensors on Octo not reading

Sunday, November 7th 2021, 7:46pm

Hello, I've been running temp probes for in-line water and also ambient through my Octo for months now, but when I installed hard tubing this weekend I booted and it updated to x.47. Now I noticed that none of my thermal probes are showing up in the Octo menu in fact it is "--" reading while still have the same naming on the sensors so I know it wasn't reset.

Anyone else lose probe use with this version? Is there a workaround?

Sunday, November 7th 2021, 10:03pm

I have X47 and an OCTO, and it is reporting the two temperature sensors attached to it (x47_octo_t.jpg).

Not sure if it will help, but maybe reset the OCTO to factory defaults?
Difficult to believe both cables/sensors were damages during the upgrade.


Junior Member

Sunday, November 7th 2021, 10:36pm

One sensor is actually a new one but the other is the same. If I reset can I reload the same profiles?

Monday, November 8th 2021, 12:22am

There is an 'Export settings to file' option and an 'Import settings from file' option, which leads me to believe you are able to reload a saved profile.
I assume you have restarted your system already?


Junior Member

Monday, November 8th 2021, 1:52am

Yes. Restarted and now reset Octo... still nothing.


Senior Member

Monday, November 8th 2021, 4:29am

I am running AQS X.47 with an Octo and 2 Farbwerk360s. The Octo and Farbwerk #1 both have 4 temp sensors connected. They are all being reported properly in X.47. I get nervous every time I update firmware. So far I have not had any problems. If I recall, X.45 had firmware updates for my Octo and Farbwerk360's. Did you update your Octo firmware when you updated to X.45? Since X.47 came after X.45, I think X.47 will require the firmware updates that were included with X.45.

Good luck and please post what you find out.

Monday, November 8th 2021, 5:25am

Yes. Restarted and now reset Octo... still nothing.

The only other thing I might try is moving the probes around on the octo (if on 1 & 2, switch to 3 & 4), and/or adding another probe to see what happens.



Wednesday, November 10th 2021, 1:12pm

Maybe you have damaged the probe during the hard tube install. Try to change the probes at the OCTO headers and check if the problem will switch to another sensor input.


Senior Member

Wednesday, November 10th 2021, 7:51pm

The little 2-pin connectors that Aquacomputer uses for the temp sensors are kind of finnicky. I have had them not quite make contact and I have also had them pull out. I also have an Aquacomputer #53026 with a cracked 2-pin connector. This caused enough play that the sensor connection was intermittent. If you have not already done so, I suggest carefully inspecting the sensor connectors and how they plug into the Octo. Make sure they are fully seated and not cracked or damaged in any way. Good luck!


Junior Member

Saturday, November 20th 2021, 4:32pm

Maybe you have damaged the probe during the hard tube install. Try to change the probes at the OCTO headers and check if the problem will switch to another sensor input.
I doubt it, but will try. I also have brand new ambient probes that aren't reading at all when I use them in Octo.