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Junior Member

Leakshield d5 100 unit with a flat reservoir?

Sunday, November 28th 2021, 7:42pm

I have an O11xl and a standard flt120 from Ek I was planning to use on the rear fan mount, but is this compatible in the system with leakshield ultitube d5? I want more water capacity but not sure if using that config will be ok with leakshield.

Monday, November 29th 2021, 11:55am

I don't believe the LEAKSHIELD cares, or knows, what is in the loop, as long as the loop meets the pressure requirements.


Junior Member

Monday, November 29th 2021, 3:41pm

I figured but just making sure because of placement. The leakshield will be top of the ultitube and basically level with the flt120 on the other side. I’m hoping it removes all the air from the other res but does the ultitube need to be higher up?


Senior Member

Monday, November 29th 2021, 4:48pm

not really.
the water won't "fall" in the ultitube, overtopping the leakshield if there's no air intake to allow the water to fall back.

If you add an air intake in the loop to ease draining, just don't open it with the leakshield powered on :) but you usually drain the loop with the power off if you're not mad so it should be okay :p

Monday, November 29th 2021, 4:59pm

I figured but just making sure because of placement. The leakshield will be top of the ultitube and basically level with the flt120 on the other side. I’m hoping it removes all the air from the other res but does the ultitube need to be higher up?

The leakshield's purpose is not to remove air in your loop, it only reduces pressure in the loop.
If you have a leak, the leakshield actually causes air to be introduced into the loop.
Deaeration will need to be performed as normal.


Senior Member

Monday, November 29th 2021, 5:39pm

If you have a leak, the leakshield actually causes air to be introduced into the loop.
This can be a major problem when you have two reservoirs.
Depending on the location of the leak, the introduced air can empty the reservoir without the Leakshield, and pulling all water into the reservoir with the Leakshield attached.
If the Reservoir with the Leakshield cannot take in all the water from the other reservoir and overflows, the Leakshield cannot prevent the leak and is useless.

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Hufeisen" (Nov 29th 2021, 5:42pm)


Junior Member

Tuesday, November 30th 2021, 8:24pm

If you have a leak, the leakshield actually causes air to be introduced into the loop.
This can be a major problem when you have two reservoirs.
Depending on the location of the leak, the introduced air can empty the reservoir without the Leakshield, and pulling all water into the reservoir with the Leakshield attached.
If the Reservoir with the Leakshield cannot take in all the water from the other reservoir and overflows, the Leakshield cannot prevent the leak and is useless.

Right this is my concern. How would you prevent this?


Senior Member

Tuesday, November 30th 2021, 10:21pm

get a standalone leakshield and put it on top of the loop? :)


Junior Member

Tuesday, November 30th 2021, 11:45pm

get a standalone leakshield and put it on top of the loop? :)

No offense meant but Leakshield is awesome... when used with the ultitube. The standalone leaves a lot to be desired from what I understand.

Basic outlook is that Leakshield needs to be higher than the other reservoir then?


Senior Member

Wednesday, December 1st 2021, 12:01am

no offense taken :)
My idea was that, if the FLT is the highest reservoir, i would connect the standalone leak shield on its fill port.
It would work the same as on top of an ultitube as long as the inlet has access to air in the reservoir (not overfilled).


Junior Member

Wednesday, December 1st 2021, 12:08am

no offense taken :)
My idea was that, if the FLT is the highest reservoir, i would connect the standalone leak shield on its fill port.
It would work the same as on top of an ultitube as long as the inlet has access to air in the reservoir (not overfilled).

Guess I just need to make sure that the top of the tube is well above the other FLT120 on the rear mount.


Senior Member

Wednesday, December 1st 2021, 5:35pm

There is only one way to make the Leakshield work with two reservoirs. You must connect both reservoirs to the Leakshield at the same time.
Run a Hose from both reservoir tops, and use a T-Connector to connect both Hoses to the Leakshield.

All other solutions have their problems, and may not work reliable during an emergency.

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Hufeisen" (Dec 1st 2021, 5:48pm)


Junior Member

Thursday, December 2nd 2021, 4:40am

There is only one way to make the Leakshield work with two reservoirs. You must connect both reservoirs to the Leakshield at the same time.
Run a Hose from both reservoir tops, and use a T-Connector to connect both Hoses to the Leakshield.

All other solutions have their problems, and may not work reliable during an emergency.

Ok so maybe I don’t understand what you mean.

This is an ultitube d5 with leakshield on top. How do you connect reservoir tops? It’s not possible to connect anything to leakshield top on ultitube.


Senior Member

Thursday, December 2nd 2021, 10:47pm

This is an ultitube d5 with leakshield on top. How do you connect reservoir tops? It’s not possible to connect anything to leakshield top on ultitube.
Then you have to accept the fact that your leakshield can only protect 50% of your loop from a possible leak, if the pump is offline.

If the pump is running, that changes a lot, and the protection ranges from 10% of your loop to 90% of your loop, depending on flow direction and component placement.
To archieve a good protection rate, the water flow direction and component placement have to be the following: Reservoir with Leakshield --> Reservoir without Leakshield --> Cooling Components (Waterblock/Radiators) --> Reservoir with Leakshield.
With this, only the distance between the two reservoirs is not protected from a possible leak.

This post has been edited 3 times, last edit by "Hufeisen" (Dec 2nd 2021, 10:54pm)


Full Member

RE: Leakshield d5 100 unit with a flat reservoir?

Sunday, December 5th 2021, 6:47pm

I have an O11xl and a standard flt120 from Ek I was planning to use on the rear fan mount, but is this compatible in the system with leakshield ultitube d5? I want more water capacity but not sure if using that config will be ok with leakshield.

Don't understand why you insist on using a flat water block?
Is it to install two D5 NEXT? If there is only one Ultituibe Pro, the problem is much simpler!
My system is also very complicated
I have an AMS with a D5 NEXT attached,
But I only install one Ultitube PRO 200. :)
[/url]IMG_E2052 by Jacob Tien, 於 Flickr[/img]