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Junior Member

Feature Request: Select high flow NEXT under flow sensor in OCTO

Thursday, January 27th 2022, 6:17am

Feature Request: Use high flow NEXT under flow sensor in OCTO when the high flow NEXT is connected with the 3 pin wire 53295 to the OCTO. OCTO gets signal from high flow NEXT when connected, but can not scale the signal correctly to get the right flow rate. :)

Thursday, January 27th 2022, 7:32am

You have to select "High Flow". High flow and High flow next has the same calibration values.


Junior Member

Thursday, January 27th 2022, 1:53pm

You have to select "High Flow". High flow and High flow next has the same calibration values.
When I try and select "Aqua Computer high flow (53068 )" as the "Sensor Type" I get a value of 29.89 l/m on the OCTO. The high flow NEXT says the flow is 2.57 l/m. Using another standalone flow meter I get a 2.6 l/m value so the high flow NEXT appears to be correct and accurate.

Thursday, January 27th 2022, 3:59pm