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Splitty 9 active daisy chain problem

Dienstag, 12. April 2022, 21:43


i have problem with my aquacomputer splitty 9 active.

I have 16 fans what i want to run together from one PWM signal so i daisy chained 2 splitty active together.
First splitty input goes to the aquaero, rpm output is then used as an input of the second splitty, so i know that the last splitty is working because i can see a fan speed.

The problem is that the rpm fan for second splitty barely runing - low PWM signal??

Looks like a RPM fan input of splitty sends "lower" PWM signal, so daisy chained last fan don't have strong PWM signal...

When i connect the fan to the non-rpm output it works fine, but looks like the second splitty already have problem with signal strenght because the second half of fans have lower rpms...

Is this "feature" of splitty?

Dienstag, 12. April 2022, 22:53

What you are saying is not 100% clear to me. I think what you are saying is you are using the 9th port (that reports RPM) output of the 1st Splitty 9 Active to drive the Input of the 2nd Splitty 9 Active and the PWM signal from that port seems weak "lower", so the fan connected to the last port of the 2nd Splitty 9 Active is not functioning properly. Maybe the presence of the RPM signal is causing the problem. I would try connecting the 2nd Splitty 9 Active Input to one of the other 8 PWM fan outputs on the 1st Splitty 9 Active and use the RPM output of the 1st Splitty 9 Active to drive the 8th fan, which it should be able to do since it is a 9-way PWM splitter.

Mittwoch, 13. April 2022, 00:25

Perhaps to try a 4-pin 'Y' splitter so the Splitty9s are not daisy-chained.