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Saturday, April 30th 2022, 9:27pm
What rules? That you cannot flash you device back to an older firmware or use it in another computer without paying extra 12Euros?! Where those rules where mentioned?
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "" (May 1st 2022, 4:29pm)
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "" (May 2nd 2022, 6:14pm)
So you are saying that when you buy an Aquacomputer device like an Octo, it comes with a certain amount of months of license (6 to 30 months), and that the expiration date for that device is fixed at the factory, and is not affected in any way by the date it is first installed and connected to Aquasuite. The Update Service LINK provided above says, "The runtime included with newly purchased devices depends on the device type and is 6 to 30 months. The runtime begins with the start of the aquasuite software or its setup". I take this to mean that the license (update service) period begins when the device is connected to a computer running Aquasuite for the first time. If what you are suggesting is true, then the license that came with my second Octo is being used up while it sits in a drawer, never connected. I hope that someone will clarify this point for me. I will find out for sure when I first connect it. I will be adding more Aquacomputer devices to my next build (utilitube D5 150 Pro Leakshield, high flow next,, cuplex kryos next) so the license expiration dates of the items I bought ahead of time will be irrelevant any way. If push comes to shove and I have to buy a new license, I would just buy one and avoid all of this fuss, but that's just me.... and what you said about license timer starting at a time of operation is nonsense as all of my devices license is limited by a fixed specific date no matter when do you start it.