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Junior Member

Help, I moved my Quadro to another computer and now have to buy license again, cannot roll back license!

Saturday, April 30th 2022, 9:27pm

Help guys, I have all AC devices and some of them have license till 2023 and I bought one key without knowing that 2 of my devices have license till 2023, now I have 3 working licenses, 2 from D5Next and one purchased,
I wanted to move one of the 2 quadros to another comptuer and voila!! not working because it hase newer firmware and I have to pay for that Aquasuite again!
The firmware cannot be rolled back and Aquasuite just acts dumb and do nothing, I don't want to pay another 12 Euros, I want my Quadro working in any freaking device I put it in, please tell me what to do!!

Sunday, May 1st 2022, 1:33am

When you purchase a license it has to be applied to one of the aquacomputer devices in your computer.

If you applied the license extension to one of the D5 nexts, that D5 next will hold that extended license, and you will have to purchase a license for the quadro.
If you applied the license to one of the quadros, swapping the quadro without license for the quadro with license will fix your problem.


Junior Member

Sunday, May 1st 2022, 1:53am

I think the 3rd license is hooked to the Aquaero, I don't want to pay any more money! I want to be able to use the hardware I paid for in another computer even if temporarily, Im using it in that newly built other computer until I figure out what to do if buying a new device or buying a license, not to find myself locked out cannot touch the freaking thing until I pay another 12 Euros! They better be courteous and provide a 10 day trial in the software or something and not find yourself locked the fudge out!, Im not using another brands in it, Im using their brand devices FFS!


Senior Member

Sunday, May 1st 2022, 7:48am

Oh well. The rules have been known for years.
Maybe the support will help you if you write them an email to support@aqua-computer.de


Junior Member

Sunday, May 1st 2022, 1:57pm

What rules? That you cannot flash you device back to an older firmware or use it in another computer without paying extra 12Euros?! Where those rules where mentioned?

Sunday, May 1st 2022, 2:31pm

Both if you've ever read anything in the forum on the subject.
What I would assume in almost 2.5 years as a registered forum user, if you work so much with the components.

Es gibt keinen Ausweg, den ein Mensch nicht beschreitet, um die tatsächliche Arbeit des Denkens zu vermeiden.
Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931), amerik. Erfinder

Sunday, May 1st 2022, 3:32pm

What rules? That you cannot flash you device back to an older firmware or use it in another computer without paying extra 12Euros?! Where those rules where mentioned?

It may have been simpler if aquacomputer licensed the software instead of the hardware, which may have reduced complications regarding firmware updates and aquasuite versions.
But then you would have still had to purchase a new license for the new/temporary computer you are bringing online.

It is always unpleasant to confront an unexpected cost, but in relation to the cost of a computer, 12 euro is palatable to ensure enhancements and improvements are continually developed.


Junior Member

Sunday, May 1st 2022, 4:26pm

Taubenhaucher Had the Aquaero 6 xt since 2015 and bought many licenses since then but never faced a newer firmware issue that results in not allowing you to use the device in another computer that has no license for that new software, for example the poweradjust 3 worked in the old software yesterday, no matter what device you have you should be able to use it with the software that came with without having to pay again for a software,.
This software is mandatory and not optional to operate this device hence you should always be able to operate this device no matter what without paying anything, I didn't opt in to update the device firmware, they forced me to do so because it was in another computer that has a licensed newer software, either they have to allow rolling back firmware or give you a 10 days trial when installing on a new device for you to be able to know what you are going to do.
Im not sure if Im going to keep it in the new computer or buy a new one that comes with a license, hence Im looking at a 12Euro down the drain.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "hossam.sy" (May 1st 2022, 4:29pm)


Senior Member

Sunday, May 1st 2022, 4:40pm

I'm with you there. I was also annoyed by the license issue. And also the "problem" with the firmware, which you as a user cannot then downgrade. I'm sorry if I was rude earlier. I assumed you knew the rules.


Senior Member

Sunday, May 1st 2022, 11:49pm

I can understand your objection to having to pay for another license just because you want to install this Quadro in a different computer. As Infoseeker mentioned, you may have been able to avoid this by applying the license to one Quadro and using that one in the second computer. I have a similar but different license concern. I bought a second Octo when they were in stock at Performance PC's for several reasons.

1 - I will absolutely be using an Octo in my next build, but not for several months.
2 - They are out of stock everywhere in the US most of the time and the price had already gone up 28% since I bought my first Octo in March 2021. I figured the price is probably going to go up again so I might as well get one while I can and before the price goes up again.
3 - If my active Octo dies or gets bricked in a firmware update, I will have a spare on hand.

After the second Octo arrived, I wanted to connect it to test it just to make sure it works, even through I will not actually need it for months. I decided not to do this because (if I understand how this works correctly) as soon as I connect it, the license period for the Octo will activate and start counting down. I did not want to waste a big chunk of my license time by having the Octo sit in a drawer for months after connecting it just long enough to test it. I also bought a Farbwerk 360 and a Farbwerk Nano. I have not connected and tested these either for the same reason. I hope that when I start building a new computer in 6 months I don't find out that one of these devices has a problem as it will be too late to return to Performance PCs. If the update service time was tied to actual run time as opposed to first use plus a fixed duration, I would be able to test my Aquacomputer devices that I do not plan to install for several months, and not have their license time count down while sitting in a drawer. That said, I highly doubt that Aquacomputer is going to change the way they do this.


Junior Member

Monday, May 2nd 2022, 12:01am

I have so many devices not only Quadro hence the license is registered to another device, I want my device working anytime anywhere and I don't want their new software and don't want to pay extra to do that, and what you said about license timer starting at a time of operation is nonsense as all of my devices license is limited by a fixed specific date no matter when do you start it.



Monday, May 2nd 2022, 12:25pm

This is not the way we desire the usage of the licence but you can remove the device that has a valid licence from the first PC to the second one and install the aquasuite. Then you can return the device to the first PC.
As long you are not adding more devices or aquasuite updates to the second PC this should work.


Junior Member

Monday, May 2nd 2022, 6:05pm

What usage? I have a device (Quadro) that cannot be used in any other device without paying 12 Euros, solve it.
I cannot move the Aquaero because it has 4 Aquabus cables attached to it an locked by a screw that won't allow me to put one of those cables out, I cannot move 2 D5 Next I had t work days to mount them as they are.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "hossam.sy" (May 2nd 2022, 6:14pm)

Monday, May 2nd 2022, 6:16pm

Stephan has shown you a solution for your problem, now you have to solve it yourself.

The license terms are clear and available, what makes you think that they don't apply to you?
You also had them right in front of you when you bought your license.
Es gibt keinen Ausweg, den ein Mensch nicht beschreitet, um die tatsächliche Arbeit des Denkens zu vermeiden.
Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931), amerik. Erfinder


Junior Member

Monday, May 2nd 2022, 6:36pm

What license? I don't want any license, I have a device and I expect it to work in any computer I put it in without having to pay extra 12 Euros, now it is not the case, I cannot move any other devices from my other computer and I don't want to transfer license from any device to another, I WANT MY DEVICE WORKING IN ANY COMPUTER I PUT IT IN WITHOUT PAYING ANYTHING.



Monday, May 2nd 2022, 6:51pm

1. You don't have to pay 12€, just 9,90€ to get a licence.
2. It's eays to remove the electronic unit of a D5 NEXT and to put it in your second PC. Of course it will show some Alarms but for the short time of activation it's acceptable.

If this doesn't work for you the only option is to send the device to us and we will install the firmware that came with the device. Then you can use it with the old aquasuite version.

We give you a free update for all your devices if you buy a licene or a new device so I think this is a fair deal.

If we wouldn't do it that way we wouldn't offer any update for older devices. We would have to do it the same as Mainboard vendors: One time done software without any update and a new revision every 3 months.
Then you would have to buy a new device if you would like to be updated.


Junior Member

Monday, May 2nd 2022, 8:12pm

Yeah 12$ sorry,
I think what SVEN suggested in the email is the only sane solution to go around this dilemma, I will ask them via email to move one of the 3 active licenses I have from one device to another.
I can feel their worries, you don't need that software to be active all the time, only when setting up the device hence making the license standalone would reduce the software income significantly and maybe make upgrading that software a loss for them.


Senior Member

Monday, May 2nd 2022, 9:18pm

... and what you said about license timer starting at a time of operation is nonsense as all of my devices license is limited by a fixed specific date no matter when do you start it.
So you are saying that when you buy an Aquacomputer device like an Octo, it comes with a certain amount of months of license (6 to 30 months), and that the expiration date for that device is fixed at the factory, and is not affected in any way by the date it is first installed and connected to Aquasuite. The Update Service LINK provided above says, "The runtime included with newly purchased devices depends on the device type and is 6 to 30 months. The runtime begins with the start of the aquasuite software or its setup". I take this to mean that the license (update service) period begins when the device is connected to a computer running Aquasuite for the first time. If what you are suggesting is true, then the license that came with my second Octo is being used up while it sits in a drawer, never connected. I hope that someone will clarify this point for me. I will find out for sure when I first connect it. I will be adding more Aquacomputer devices to my next build (utilitube D5 150 Pro Leakshield, high flow next,, cuplex kryos next) so the license expiration dates of the items I bought ahead of time will be irrelevant any way. If push comes to shove and I have to buy a new license, I would just buy one and avoid all of this fuss, but that's just me.

It sounds like you were able to work out a license migration deal with AC which should resolve your problem without having to pay any money. Good to see AC willing to work with you on this issue. Congrats on getting it resolved.


Junior Member

Tuesday, May 3rd 2022, 4:26am

I had the Quadros sitting in a drawer for couple of years, they were already expired when I installed them


Senior Member

Tuesday, May 3rd 2022, 8:56am

you could also buy a internal USB to USB-A Cable, hook it on one of your licensed devices (without having to remove it from 1st PC, just unplug the USB-Connection) an maybe by using a USB extension you can connect that device to the 2nd PC to activate AS (of course would only work if both PCs are in the same household).

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