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High Flow 2 - low flow rate

Sunday, August 14th 2022, 9:56am

I am getting low flow rates on High Flow 2 sensor. I am having Aquaero 6 and right sensor (53292) is selected on AquaSuite.
With max pump speed, I am getting about 60l/h.
Around 2000rpm flow rate drops to 0.

However, I don't believe that anything is wrong with my D5 pump (EKWB) as CPU temps are fine even with 2000rpm.
Any idea what is wrong? Does direction of flow matter?

Sunday, August 14th 2022, 10:20am

The flow rate depends on your cooling circuit, i.e. the installed coolers, the size of the hose/tube, any installed filters, the radiators and the number of angle fittings.

The sensor can only measure from 30 l/h, below that it shows 0.
This has no effect on the cooling capacity, you will only notice marginal differences at significantly higher flow rates.

There are two possibilities here, either you have an extremely restrictive loop, or a defective sensor.

The easiest way to find out is to hook the sensor into a loop with the AGB and pump.

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Es gibt keinen Ausweg, den ein Mensch nicht beschreitet, um die tatsächliche Arbeit des Denkens zu vermeiden.
Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931), amerik. Erfinder

Sunday, August 14th 2022, 2:52pm

The flow rate depends on your cooling circuit, i.e. the installed coolers, the size of the hose/tube, any installed filters, the radiators and the number of angle fittings.

The sensor can only measure from 30 l/h, below that it shows 0.
This has no effect on the cooling capacity, you will only notice marginal differences at significantly higher flow rates.

There are two possibilities here, either you have an extremely restrictive loop, or a defective sensor.

The easiest way to find out is to hook the sensor into a loop with the AGB and pump.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
My loop is nothing special; EK Quamtum Kinetic res-pump compo + CPU block +GPU block + 240rad +360rad with 12/16 soft tube - all EKWB. Some 90degree fittings. No quick connectors or such.
I will do this test when emptying the loop next time. I do have spare D5 pump.


Senior Member

Sunday, August 14th 2022, 8:05pm

the sensor is installed horizontally? not sure if it affects reading but it's recommended, at least to limit impeller noise.

You made me realize new sensors were added on AS, i had my high flow 2 set as a high flow (53068) and it reads just the same. You may try to change between high flow, high flow LT and high flow 2, see if it wakes up.
but if your temps are ok, something is wrong with config or with the sensor. at 60l/h you should have a hot-ish GPU in game.

Sunday, August 14th 2022, 10:30pm

the sensor is installed horizontally? not sure if it affects reading but it's recommended, at least to limit impeller noise.

You made me realize new sensors were added on AS, i had my high flow 2 set as a high flow (53068) and it reads just the same. You may try to change between high flow, high flow LT and high flow 2, see if it wakes up.
but if your temps are ok, something is wrong with config or with the sensor. at 60l/h you should have a hot-ish GPU in game.
Yes, it was horizontal. I tried different flow meter models without improvement. But actually measured value won't eventually matter even if it is wrong. I configured AquaSuite so that if flow is below 30l/h, then it will shutdown computer -> so it will do it job even if actual flow value is wrong.
Also default calibration value was about 160imp/liter, but I was able to modify it to 100 -> improved a bit situation. Now with 3200rpm flow is 60l/h.

I am having 9900ks and gettting Cinebench R23 result 13866 @5.2GHz (AVX), so real flow rate cannot be too bad.


Senior Member

Sunday, August 14th 2022, 10:35pm

dumb question but, no kinks on the tubing?
i've seen some pretty terrible things with soft tubing so i prefer to ask :p the 12/16 is pretty stiff so it requires wider bends than thinner walled tubes