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Junior Member

Air volume at 0% fill level in ml?

Monday, September 5th 2022, 6:57pm

In Aquasuite when choosing user defined reservoir settings…
What does “Air volume at 0% fill level in ml” mean?
It’s clear to me how to answer these two questions:
“total volume in ml” that’s just the volume of your reservoir found in the specs, right?
and “air volume at 100% fill level in ml” that’s just after filling your reservoir estimating the air gap that’s left at the top of your reservoir, right?
So what does “Air volume at 0% fill level in ml” mean?
Like if your reservoir is at 0% fill level, meaning there’s no fluid in the reservoir, shouldn’t your air volume be the same as your total reservoir volume in ml?
My example, I have a 440ml reservoir so I enter that for total volume in ml and I’m guestimating I have about 88ll of air at the top after filling, but what about that last question? What is the air volume at 0%?
The LEAKSHIELD manual reads “Settings for total volume, the remaining air volume at maximum fill level as well as at minimum fill level have to be made.”
If you have setup Aquasuite using a reservoir that’s NOT a utilitube or aqualis or aquainlet etc. you have answered this question. So, what do you put as your answer?

Tuesday, September 6th 2022, 5:14pm

Is this about a leakshield?
It would be helpful if you posted a screenshot of the tab in question


Junior Member

Tuesday, September 6th 2022, 6:17pm

Yes, LEAKSHIELD then Sensors then Fill level.
Thank you.
Snip below and screenshot to follow.
Image below:


Junior Member


Tuesday, September 6th 2022, 6:20pm

image below


Junior Member

answer from Aqua Computer

Tuesday, September 6th 2022, 6:23pm

oh oh
I received help from Sven directly!
I'll save InfoSeeker some effort and time and thank you InfoSeeker.
I feel lucky to know you are out there.
And thank you Sven!

Hello David,

while in theory you are right that the air volume at 0% fill level is the same as the total fill volume of the reservoir, you do not want to reach 0% fill level.

The value for the volume at 0% fill value shall allow you to set your own individual minimum fill level. Of course you can still work with the real fill level if you prefer this but usually you want to get a warning before you run into any problems with a too low fill level ;-)

It is like the tank in a car. Its regular gauge also does not show the real volume because you want to have a chance to fill it again before it is completely empty.

kind regards
Sven Hanisch