• 16.02.2025, 15:47
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Junior Member

Fan stop behaviour on Quadro with new firmware

Tuesday, February 21st 2023, 3:29pm

Hello! Recently I've updated my Quadro to the latest stable software and firmware versions (aquasuite X.59 and 1032 firmware). Previously if I unselect "Hold minimum power" and temperature goes below Minimum temperature - fan stops. When temperature goes above Startup temperature - it starts. After update the fan started to behave weirdly - it can stop without reaching Minimum temperature. Sometimes it keeps starting and stopping all the time if difference between Minimum and Startup temperature is 1-2C (without even reaching Minimum temp and changing temperature at all). Tried to reset device to factory defaults, but this didn't help. I have also aquaero 6 LT with older firmware/aquasuite on a different computer and it stops fans only when temperature is lower than Minimum, not somewhere in the middle

Tuesday, February 21st 2023, 3:57pm

Make screenshots from your fan and controller settings.


Junior Member

Tuesday, February 21st 2023, 4:21pm

The fan starts when temperature is 37 (as expected) but stops at around 36.29, although minimum temp is 35
Hort has attached the following image:
  • Fan1.png

Tuesday, February 21st 2023, 4:27pm

Yout first 3 point are very close to 0%.
Set only the first point too 0, all other > 0


Junior Member

Tuesday, February 21st 2023, 5:06pm

Yout first 3 point are very close to 0%.
Set only the first point too 0, all other > 0

I have "minimum power in" set as 30% and fan spins at 30% before stopping, so it should be 30 in that case, not 0?


Junior Member

Tuesday, February 21st 2023, 5:18pm

I've tried your suggestion - and it works now. Last 3 point were indeed 0%. Thanks a lot!


Junior Member

Tuesday, February 21st 2023, 5:50pm

It should be some kind of bug with rounding - first 3 points were 0%, but 4th - 2.1% already. I would expect 1.x% at least in between, not all 0-s. To get this I used Automatic setup.


Junior Member

Tuesday, February 21st 2023, 5:57pm

It looks like it's a bug with Manual setup - when I used Automatic setup, I see that at least some of them are not 0-s, but when I try to select them one by one in Manual setup - they are all changed to 0% automatically, except 4th 2.1%