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Clean & Flush, wow

Mittwoch, 12. April 2023, 16:18

So I thought I had been thorough in my pre build preps. I had cleaned each new radiator multiple times with a hot water and vinegar solution, then again repeatedly flushed them with distilled water and nothing whatsoever came out of any of them.
Now I've run the entire loop with the EK cleaning solution and when I drained it this is what came out...
Started the first flush cycle now, home it is cleaner :X



Senior Member

Mittwoch, 12. April 2023, 18:38

can't open the link..

Mittwoch, 12. April 2023, 18:50

can't open the link..
Seems my webserver had crashed and is doing disc recovery atm. yikes...

Here's an imgur link to the image



Senior Member

Mittwoch, 12. April 2023, 19:12

i see ^^
Personally i stopped prepping radiators.. i just rinse them with hot and cold tap water then rinse with DI water, just to remove any lose bits, and dust. The gunk seems to only come out in the loop, maybe with the thermal cycles, i don't know..
New radiator = change of coolant after one month for me. after that it's clean.

And the EK clean and flush is pretty good. I struggled for 2 years trying to get rid of the cloudiness from the time i tried an opaque coolant. nothing worked until i used the EK loop cleaner. Only after that did i get squeaky clean acrylic bits.
A bit annoying to use since during 24 hours of cleaning you have to keep the loop cool, but well worth the wait.

Mittwoch, 12. April 2023, 21:18

I flushed out my new radiators before the first use on my PC with just distilled water. I thought I was pretty thorough getting all the junk out. When I filled my loop with EK clear coolant, after a few days it looked like it had tiny silver flecks in the loop. Then recently, I did my annual clean and flush, and filled the loop with fresh EK clear Cryofuel, the loop looks more clear and no more flecks in there. It seems the coolant did a better job of flushing my rads than the distilled water did. I don`t know.

Donnerstag, 13. April 2023, 20:13

I did a hot water and vinegar mix that I ran repeatedly through each radiator, then repeated distilled water flushes. Then built the system. No more crud was coming out of any radiator at that point.
Now with the loop built I ran the EK cleaner and got all that junk out.
Now I've also ran a 12h+ run with the EK flush solution, and AGAIN I get a lot of dirt coming out when I drained. I only have enough flush solution for 2 runs and I don't hold much hope of the second coming out clean either. (both runs the liquid changed color)

After the second run (first with flush solution)


Freitag, 14. April 2023, 18:33

After my third run (1 cleaning solution, 2 flushing solution). Color getting lighter, but not clear and still a fair amount of dirt in there.
I didn't have enough flush solution left for the next run so had to dilute with distilled water, any further runs will have to be distilled water only.



Senior Member

Freitag, 14. April 2023, 21:02

normally you run the loop with the cleaning solution for 8 to 24 hours (i did let my computer on for 24h when i did it to let the cleaner do its thing), then drain and run the flush for 15 min.
Maybe let the cleaner run for longer?

Samstag, 15. April 2023, 08:55

normally you run the loop with the cleaning solution for 8 to 24 hours (i did let my computer on for 24h when i did it to let the cleaner do its thing), then drain and run the flush for 15 min.
Maybe let the cleaner run for longer?
I ran the cleaner for like 12-14 hours and each flush run also 12h+

Samstag, 15. April 2023, 18:27

Seriously, when will this loop stop producing dirt?? The rads were already flushed and not producing any before I built the loop.
At least the water discoloration is now gone and it's clear, but still so much dirt coming out (although a bit finer now I think).
This is after yet another about 24h run.



Senior Member

Samstag, 15. April 2023, 20:16

I think it never stops ^^ there's always a very tiny amount when you drain.
It's not a concern anyway, those small flakes accumulate at a low, quiet spot of the loop, often on radiator end tanks, and don't cause any trouble.
When i started watercooling, that gunk was mostly gone after 6 months, at least all the large bits you first saw. They used to accumulate on waterblock fins, but after a while, there's only the finest left.

Samstag, 15. April 2023, 23:26

I think it never stops ^^ there's always a very tiny amount when you drain.
It's not a concern anyway, those small flakes accumulate at a low, quiet spot of the loop, often on radiator end tanks, and don't cause any trouble.
When i started watercooling, that gunk was mostly gone after 6 months, at least all the large bits you first saw. They used to accumulate on waterblock fins, but after a while, there's only the finest left.
I'm out of teh EKWB stuff to flush with and also out of distilled water now, so think this will have to be the final run. At first I actually saw black specks getting caught on the GPU fins, but those have flushed away now.