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Junior Member

Moving to a new mobo and reinstalling OS and latest Aquasuite but keeping same AC gear - how to not lose complex settings?

Dienstag, 13. Juni 2023, 13:33

Hi there, hoping you can help! Worried.... :wacko:
I will soon move to a new mobo and fresh OS install on the pc that controls all my loop - 3 quadros, a Next, plus a farbwerk360.
I am currently on X.59, and will install the new X.68 as part of the process.
I will not be changing ANY of the physical aquacomputer gear (I read that some settings are linked to the serial numbers of the devices?)
If I make a copy of the "C:\ProgramData\aquasuite-data" directory on my current X59 setup, and after installing X68 on the fresh OS, can I simply copy over the contents of the old directory to the new installation and recover my settings?
In particular, I have some complex logic virtual softare sensor for auto-levelling flow rate, and a touch panel display config that took me a long time to get even this far
»L0wPull« hat folgende Bilder angehängt:
  • virtual soft sensor logic.PNG
  • touch side panel.PNG

Dienstag, 13. Juni 2023, 14:29

There have been other posts asking this question. IIRC, Aquacomputer said to manually create the directory C:\ProgramData\aquasuite-data and put your backup files in it BEFORE you install Aquasuite. That way, when it installs, it will see the old files and not create new ones. I am not 100% sure about this.


Senior Member

Dienstag, 13. Juni 2023, 17:36

I did this last weekend. definitely copy the data files BEFORE installing :)
It works when you do it after but it's better to avoid the numerous reboots and potential mishaps. I only had a Foreigner moment when my Vision appeared in double.
All fan curves, lighting, virtual sensors, inputs etc carried over.
Even the sensors using HWinfo as source started working as soon as HWinfo was reinstalled and set up.

Dienstag, 13. Juni 2023, 23:06

I did this last weekend. definitely copy the data files BEFORE installing :)
It works when you do it after but it's better to avoid the numerous reboots and potential mishaps. I only had a Foreigner moment when my Vision appeared in double.
All fan curves, lighting, virtual sensors, inputs etc carried over.
Even the sensors using HWinfo as source started working as soon as HWinfo was reinstalled and set up.
Thanks for confirming. I was pretty sure it is recommended to make the directory and put the old files in it BEFORE installing Aquasuite, but I was not 100% sure, and I have not had to do it (yet). I would hate to give someone incorrect information (which is why I said I was not 100% sure).


Junior Member

Mittwoch, 14. Juni 2023, 08:16

Thank you both for this - after searching for answers I would have done it wrong way round, this does somewhat make me less nervous now...
Thanks again, i'll confirm the result when the job is done! Cheeeeers! :thumbup:


Junior Member

Mittwoch, 21. Juni 2023, 09:52

Very happy to report the reinstall happened with no problems at all.
Zipped up the C:\ProgramData\aquasuite-data as instructed before OS reinstall.
Extracted contents back to same directory after windows install, before launching AquaSuite install - upgraded to latest version also X68 from X59 IIRC.
During install you're prompted to keep settings or clean install, choose keep settings, enjoy! :)
ty again for the help!
»L0wPull« hat folgendes Bild angehängt:
  • AquaSuite Keep Settings.png

Donnerstag, 22. Juni 2023, 02:30

Thanks for confirming that putting the old files in the proper directory worked. I haven't had to do this yet but I am sure the time will come when I will.