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highflownext - flow reradings seems to be off

Thursday, June 22nd 2023, 11:52pm


I just received and installed a highflownext - My system has 3 pumps, two D5 in the Basement and one D5 in a distro plate. On this same system, an older flow-meter (the one I am replacing with the highflownext) was shown reading of about 4.5 L/min.
Now wit the highflownext I need to put all the pumps at 100 % to see a reading of 90L/hour - If I set the pumps top 50% (I can still see the water moving (turbulence in my distroplate) .. however, the highflownext is reading 0 (zero) no flow art all ... which should not be :(

Any advice? Al the other functionalities seems to work fine.



Senior Member

Friday, June 23rd 2023, 3:35am

What is the old flow meter? Most of them other than the High Flows are not very accurate. 4.5l/min is 270 l/hr which is pretty high if you are pushing coolant through multiple blocks.. Without knowing anything about your loop, it's hard to say but that seems awfully high. What were your pump speeds set to when your old flow meter reported 4.5 l/min?

As for the 0 readings, the minimum the High Flow Next can report is 0.7 l/min (42 l/hr). Is it possible that at 50% pump speed your flow rate is under this? I have 2 High Flow Next's in a test loop. The loop consists of a D5 Next, one 360mm x 30mm rad, a spinner flow indicator, a ball valve, and the 2 High Flow Next flow meters. Tubing is 10mm/16mm (soft). At 50% pump power I get about 225 l/hr (3.75 l/min).The 2 High Flows report within 1.5% of each other which is better than the spec (+/- 2.5%). They get less accurate at low flow rates. When I add a CPU and GPU block I expect the flow rate to decrease significantly.

Friday, June 23rd 2023, 8:35am

My system is composed of 2 PC connected - one is in the basment. The loop consist of:

2xD5 + 1xAquastream Ultra
the go trough: 2x360 rads, 1xCPU + 2X GPUs

main system:
1x420 + 1x280 rads + 1 CPU + 1 GPU block + distroplate

The highflow next start to read a flow only when my main D5 goes over 60%

I can even disconnect the basement PC and do few more test with a single D5 if that can help - a read of 0 (Zero) just doesn't make too much sense to me :(