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Is ANY of the Aquaero devices fully compatible with the playground in aquasuite - i.e. how can a fan be linked to an input slider?

Samstag, 1. Juli 2023, 21:24

Neither the Aquaero 5 or the 6 i have in my computer have any option, on any of the pages, either in the aquaero settings, aquasuite settings or the playground settings to actually link any kind of input (slider, dial, etc) from the playground to any kind of actual fan channel, output, or controller anywhere that I can see.

I've looked for at least 2 hours yesterday trying to figure out what kind of voodoo is required with which to be able to take ANY kind of input from the playground, add it to a device overview page & then actually link it to either of the Aquaeros or either of the poweradjusts I have connected with USB. I also have tried aquabus connections as well with the poweradjusts but nowhere in any of the settings for any of these devices was there something that can be toggled on that would actually create the link to where turning the dial, or slider, or knob, would send the value of that input to an actual fan channel, output, or control method in any way shape or form with none of the 6 aquacomputer devices I have in my computer.

I've seen screenshots for the aquasuite controls page for the Octo & that one does appear to have different GUI elements, one of which is a clearly defined button for performing the linking between a user input element & a fan output element on the Octo's channels. Is this something that the aquaeros cannot do? Hell of an oversight if that's the case, considering how much more expensive the aquaeros are than the octo it boggles my mind that this cannot be done. Or if it can be done, and I'm just being ignorant or blind, then I stand corrected & would welcome maybe a screenshot of the setting in aquasuite that does what I'm trying to do here

I cannot for the life of me imagine why such an ability would be available for use on the octo but not either of the much more expensive aquaeros I have. What am i missing here???

Caselabs STH10 Magnum, twin pedestals
Ryzen 2700
RTX 3080ti
aquacomputer Aquaero 5 Pro - firmware 2104
aquacomputer Aquaero 6 Pro - firmware 2104
aquacomputer MPS400- x2 - firmware 1012
aquacomputer Poweradjust 3- x2 - firmware 1010
aquacomputer farbwerk bluetooth
Koolance PMP-500 x2
aquasuite X.68

Windows 8.1 Pro

Link Input Slider to Fan Output

Montag, 3. Juli 2023, 14:37

Play around with the following approach:

1. Create the slider
2. Use playground to create a virtual software sensor that accepts slider values as input and outputs the slider values as degrees C
3. Create a curve controller in the Aquaero that accepts the virtual software sensor as input, scales input(C) to output(%) 1:1 and outputs the scaled value into the target fan(s).

RE: Is ANY of the Aquaero devices fully compatible with the playground in aquasuite - i.e. how can a fan be linked to an input slider?

Dienstag, 4. Juli 2023, 03:58

Neither the Aquaero 5 or the 6 i have in my computer have any option, on any of the pages, either in the aquaero settings, aquasuite settings or the playground settings to actually link any kind of input (slider, dial, etc) from the playground to any kind of actual fan channel, output, or controller anywhere that I can see.

I've looked for at least 2 hours yesterday trying to figure out what kind of voodoo is required with which to be able to take ANY kind of input from the playground, add it to a device overview page & then actually link it to either of the Aquaeros or either of the poweradjusts I have connected with USB. I also have tried aquabus connections as well with the poweradjusts but nowhere in any of the settings for any of these devices was there something that can be toggled on that would actually create the link to where turning the dial, or slider, or knob, would send the value of that input to an actual fan channel, output, or control method in any way shape or form with none of the 6 aquacomputer devices I have in my computer.

I've seen screenshots for the aquasuite controls page for the Octo & that one does appear to have different GUI elements, one of which is a clearly defined button for performing the linking between a user input element & a fan output element on the Octo's channels. Is this something that the aquaeros cannot do? Hell of an oversight if that's the case, considering how much more expensive the aquaeros are than the octo it boggles my mind that this cannot be done. Or if it can be done, and I'm just being ignorant or blind, then I stand corrected & would welcome maybe a screenshot of the setting in aquasuite that does what I'm trying to do here

I cannot for the life of me imagine why such an ability would be available for use on the octo but not either of the much more expensive aquaeros I have. What am i missing here???

I had an aquaero 6XT in storage and attached it to the system today.

It appears the aquasero has not been updated to accept the Input function, or any of the Playground functions for that matter.
octo controller: octo.jpg
aquaero controller: aquaero.jpg

As to why, the aquaero 6 was introduced years before the newer octo et all, and upgrading the aquaero may not be feasible.

Drive Fan using Input Slider using Aquaero

Dienstag, 4. Juli 2023, 16:24

True - the Aquaero Curve Controllers do not accept Playground VSS DIRECTLY. But they do accept Software Temperature Sensors which may be Playground Virtual Software Sensors. So the "workaround" sequence is:

1. Create the Input Slider
2. Create the Virtual Software Sensor ( Input_Slider_VSS with temperature output ( C ) )
3. Define a Virtual Temperature Sensor ( Input_Slider_VTS ) as Input_Slider_VSS ( Correction: Define an "Aquaero Software Temperature Sensor")
4. Create the Curve Controller using Input_Slider_VTS as Input

See the attachments.
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Dienstag, 4. Juli 2023, 20:50

Thank you demilleroh, that works great.
My problem was I saw the Software sensor source 'virtual sensor' option and assumed it was the aquaero's internal virtual sensors.

Here is to a quick VIDEO showing the steps involved.