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question about the Ultitube 200mm pro

Thursday, December 28th 2023, 6:31pm

I picked up the Ulititube 200mm d5 next pro, it came with a usb cable and rgbpx cable. I understand where the usb cable connects to, but does the rgbpx cable connect from the pump to the input on the ring? Will the splitty4 also work with the ultitube as well, I know that the ultitube only have 25 watts. Would that work with the splitty 4, because I can connect my Corsair AF120 Elite fans to it? I wish there were better instructions.

Thursday, December 28th 2023, 7:04pm

but does the rgbpx cable connect from the pump to the input on the ring?

Yes - and then you can control the LEDs of the Ring via the D5Next Tab in the Aquasuite

Thursday, December 28th 2023, 7:16pm

So technically I could get a rgbpx cable and connect the out on the ring to the splitty 4. Then use my corsair fans with rgb as well. If I connect the splitty 4 to the pump fan controller will I exceed the 25 watts on the pump?

Thursday, December 28th 2023, 7:32pm

Will the splitty4 also work with the ultitube as well, I know that the ultitube only have 25 watts. Would that work with the splitty 4, because I can connect my Corsair AF120 Elite fans to it? I wish there were better instructions.

Yes - the Splitty 4 will work with the D5 Next, but the simultaneous connection of fan-output and (maybe) flow sensor is not possible.
How many Fans do you want to connect to the Splitty 4 and are some of the daisy chained?
If you want to control the LEDs of the Fans you have to take the output of the D5 Next (RGBpx) and connect it to the Splitty 4.
Therefore the LED-Ring has to connect to the outport of the Splitty 4 or from D5 next to the Ring (in) and from the Ring (out) to the Splitty

Thursday, December 28th 2023, 7:38pm

will I exceed the 25 watts on the pump?

It depends of the number of Fans you want to connect to the Splitty 4
One Corsair AF120 Elite has a power draw of 4,56W peak so five Fans@100% should work

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Peter von Frosta" (Dec 28th 2023, 7:46pm)