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Connection Help

Tuesday, May 21st 2024, 2:15am

Good Afternoon Everyone, I have an Aquaero 6LT and need some guidance on how to connect the following.

I am building a dual loop system, However one loop will have 2 480's in series (One Push Pull, The other Push) 11 fans total. What do I need, Or how do I wire up 12 fans to only utilize one of the FAN channel connections on the Aqauero? The other loop will utilize FAN channel 2, And finally Channels 3 and 4 will be Pump 1 and Pump 2.

For parts, I currently have two Splitty9 fan splitters (Not Powered). The fans are Noctua NF-A12x25 PWM. Can I daisy chain these two splitters in some way? Or should I be using two Splitty9 Actives?

Or would it be ok to get two Y 4 pin fan splitters and reduce 4 fans into two connections and then just utilizing one Splitty 9 for all 11 fans?

Thank You.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Larzuk" (May 21st 2024, 7:27am)

Wednesday, May 22nd 2024, 7:51am

You can possibly connect 2 fans to a splitter cable then into the splitty9, however it will depend on the fans being used. You cannot exceed 30w max per header on the Aquaero so you need to calculate what 12 fans will pull. If your fans exceed the 30w I would suggest putting both pumps on one header to free up a fan header for the other fans or you could purchase a Quadro to give you more fan headers, this is what I did. I have a splitty9 for each group of fans I use, I think it's a lot tidier than having multiple fan splitter cables. I use the Quadro for incoming cool air and another fan header for warm air out.
"no shit lady, does it sound like i'm ordering pizza?"