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Xeon 771 Cooling?

Freitag, 18. April 2008, 12:18


I just purchased a dual E5420 (quad-core xeon socket 771) system that I would like to water cool. I have looked around and find that Aqua Computer's products are the best and easiest to use. Is there any way to cool my system with AQ waterblocks? If not, what do you recommend I do (I would still like to use AQ pump, res, rad, etc.)?

Also, while I am asking, I was wondering if someone could enlighten me about where the reservoir needs to go. I would like to put my rad at the top of my case; do I need my res to be above my radiator, or do I just need it to be above my pump?


Re: Xeon 771 Cooling?

Montag, 21. April 2008, 15:52

Welcome to the forum :)

I would recommend the use of a cuplex XT di with socket 771 mountings with two connectors.

For the rest you could use the  High End 240 Supply Kit with aquastream 12 V pump. This kit contains everything you need.
It might be useful to order a pump upgrade (ultra version) with this kit because it will allow you to control the fans temperature controlled or manually over the pump and the aquasuite software respectively.
In this case you should also get an y-adapter because the pump has only one fan header.

The water reservoir should be above the pump because it will allow for an easy filling. Well, you could also place it somewhrere else but you might get some trouble when filling the system.