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3/8" to 1/4"

Donnerstag, 15. Mai 2008, 13:21


Well, I have send an e-mail to the support of aquacomputer, but haven't got a replay yet, so Ill have a try here. I want to buy a Thermaltake Kandalf (I know other company, but well then you know what I mean) with watercooling and from aquacomputers the aquagraFX for 9800 GX2 G1/4. Because all companies seem to use other sized tubes, I need to have a fetting that can resize from 1/4 (aquagraFX) to 3/8 (Thermaltake tubes). Can somebody help me with this? cause I haven't found any fetting who does this.. Or does somebody see an other solution?

thx in advance:)

Re: 3/8" to 1/4"

Donnerstag, 15. Mai 2008, 19:19

ok please do not take what i say here as god send but i think i found what you are looking for and maybe some of the other members here would clarify but my "GUESS" is :-


Re: 3/8" to 1/4"

Freitag, 27. Juni 2008, 05:54

Not quite sure that's it. You suggest a 3/8 thread fitting while the card has 1/4 threading. What is needed is a 1/4 fitting that can take the 3/8ID (site says 9.5mm ID and 1.5mm wall)tubing used by The Kandalf and its internal WC system (uses some quick connect system but doesn't state threading on fittings).

Re: 3/8" to 1/4"

Freitag, 27. Juni 2008, 20:07

If I understand your question correctly you simply need a g1/4"-thread to ~10mm-tube hose barb?

These are very common with other shops but aquacomputer specializes more in smaller tubes.
You might be well advised to look around a bit.