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Junior Member

How do you change this?

Sonntag, 21. November 2004, 18:56


I ordered the AquagraFX 6800 and I would like to change the blue logo to green . Can I do that with a green LED? If not how would you suggest I do it?

Here is a picuture of what I would like to change to green.
[img] http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v392/shonuff66/aquagrafx6800_highlight.jpg [/img]

The theme of my case is green as seen below.

Re: How do you change this?

Sonntag, 21. November 2004, 22:46

Well, it could be possebill but are you sure, that there will be no leck later?
Suche Bücher von Tanenbaum und Galileo (auch Video-Training) - bitte KM! [img] http://www.aqua-computer-berlin.de/logo.png [/img]

Re: How do you change this?

Montag, 22. November 2004, 08:32

Zitat von »Katzenfreund«

Well, it could be possebill but are you sure, that there will be no leck later?

That`s the reason for the question I think! ;) ;D

I don`t know, how to get the Plexi of! Maybe it`s glued (heißt doch so oder ;D)


Re: How do you change this?

Montag, 22. November 2004, 13:08


mine is in green. Please note that everything you do is on your own risk.

1. Take of the steel plate.
2. pull out the blue LED
3. put in the green LED
4. Mount the steel plate

That´s it !

It could be helpful to have some glycerine for the mounting. Use ist on the fittings for all the curves inside.

Zitat von »Jack«

I don`t know, how to get the Plexi of!

The plexi is fixed with a small screw. No glue anyway.




Junior Member

Re: How do you change this?

Montag, 22. November 2004, 16:21

Thank you very much for your reply. That is the answer I needed.

Do you have any pictures of the AquagraFX with the steel plate removed?

Thanks again!