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Junior Member

Connection Aquaero and VFD-Display

Samstag, 11. Dezember 2004, 18:37

The Aquaero 3.07 VFD-Display is composed of Aquaero LT and VFD-Display.
= +
What is the type of connection between the Aquaero and VFD ??? It is possible to off-set the VFD of the Aquaero ???
I would like to integrate the VFD-Display into this case :o

Thanks :D
M'en Bati Sièu Nissart

Re: Connection Aquaero and VFD-Display

Samstag, 11. Dezember 2004, 21:25

The Display is connected directly on the Ae, but it would be no problem to use a cable (for example an old ide-kabel). The only problem would be, that you won't have any warranty.

"Live free or die: Death is not the worst of evils."

Re: Connection Aquaero and VFD-Display

Samstag, 11. Dezember 2004, 21:36

the displays are directly soldered onto the ae
but if you don't care about warranty i don't see any problem there ;)


Junior Member

Re: Connection Aquaero and VFD-Display

Sonntag, 12. Dezember 2004, 21:07

Why no warranty ???

If I buy aquaero LT and VFD-Display separately, I have warranty on each material :P
Of course if I burn the equipment by welding my cable no warranty, but if not ...

The Silverstone 2x16 VFD-Display and the Noritake 2x20 VFD-Display are in parallel.
So, it is possible to connect the Silverstone VFD-Display to the aquaero LT ???
M'en Bati Sièu Nissart