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Best 6800gt for Aquagrafx block

Freitag, 25. Februar 2005, 18:43

Just fried my BFG 6800GT because I really installed it like an idiot. I overscrewed the board to the block and bent the card.

I'm bying another one (l still love my block) and wanted to know which brand NOT to buy because the installation went bad or had to mod the block, etc, etc.

Just wanted some input.


eVGA: ??
ASUS: ??
BFG: Don't overscrew, put spacers in bottom to flush the block.
MSI: ??

Re: Best 6800gt for Aquagrafx block

Freitag, 25. Februar 2005, 18:57

I read of some members here installing the block on the ASUS...

Here are some installation instructions:


But its a german thread.... ;)

Re: Best 6800gt for Aquagrafx block

Freitag, 25. Februar 2005, 19:11

Zitat von »back_orifice«

I read of some members here installing the block on the ASUS...

Here are some installation instructions:


But its a german thread.... ;)

Wow .... best install guide I ever saw ... and I can't read a word in German :D Thanks alot!!

Point of view is a brand of card? Never heard of it but i'm assuming its a typical "follow the reference design of nvidia".

BTW never got those plastic screws, rubbers, bolts with my Aquagrafx ... normal?

I have access quickly to a Asus card but I'm affraid It will differ from the reference design and it will not fit right on the Aquagrafx ... anybody think otherwise?

Re: Best 6800gt for Aquagrafx block

Freitag, 25. Februar 2005, 19:15

Zitat von »maverick72«

Point of view is a brand of card? Never heard of it but i'm assuming its a typical "follow the reference design of nvidia".

Point of View resellers in UK:


i think they dont resell in USA...

Re: Best 6800gt for Aquagrafx block

Freitag, 25. Februar 2005, 19:42

Zitat von »maverick72«

BTW never got those plastic screws, rubbers, bolts with my Aquagrafx ... normal?

Yes and no ;) The two bigger metallic bolts in this picture and the black rubber bands are not included in delivery. He used them because there were some bolts missing...

The plastic screws and rings are part of the delivery.

Re: Best 6800gt for Aquagrafx block

Freitag, 25. Februar 2005, 20:46

Zitat von »Shoggy«

Yes and no ;) The two bigger metallic bolts in this picture and the black rubber bands are not included in delivery. He used them because there were some bolts missing...

The plastic screws and rings are part of the delivery.

Never got the plastic screws and ring :(

I'm ordering some bent fittings and other stuff from Dan this weekend so I will ask if he has some spare.


Re: Best 6800gt for Aquagrafx block

Freitag, 25. Februar 2005, 23:48

If you never got the plastic screws (missing acouple i should say) lowes had them and im in san diego, orderd two aquagrafx and was missing 2 or 3 plastic screws/bolts. Also i got them on BFG 6800 ultras just dont wrench them down so hard tough guy ;D.