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Gold plated coolers?

Mittwoch, 6. April 2005, 07:49

Are A-C coolers available, by special order, gold plated? Saw this link here at your distributor's website in Japan.

Re: Gold plated coolers?

Mittwoch, 6. April 2005, 07:54

well read the bill!
Thies is "just" Copper. The Aquatube was avalibale in COPPER in October 2003. And yes it is not avalibill now.
Edit: But a silver Edition is avalibill!
Suche Bücher von Tanenbaum und Galileo (auch Video-Training) - bitte KM! [img] http://www.aqua-computer-berlin.de/logo.png [/img]

Re: Gold plated coolers?

Mittwoch, 6. April 2005, 12:26

Have you had taken a look at the photos (see link)  ???

That is not copper. Seems like gold plated... :o

Re: Gold plated coolers?

Mittwoch, 6. April 2005, 14:09

We only produce the aquatube in black, silver, red, blue and titan. Copper was a special edition.

Re: Gold plated coolers?

Mittwoch, 6. April 2005, 14:31

Did anyone read the first question correctly? :'(

Question was:


Are A-C coolers available, by special order, gold plated?

I think the answer can only be given by A-C ;) and I also think it'll depend on the quantity desired and the money you're willing to pay for it ;D

Re: Gold plated coolers?

Mittwoch, 6. April 2005, 15:44

That part of the Babel Fish did not translate on my side. So this is the infamous copper Aquatube? Well so...can I still order gold plated CPU's and Chipset coolers? I like the look of my Koolance coolers. You would only need to plate the area touched by the water and the stuff you could see.

Re: Gold plated coolers?

Mittwoch, 6. April 2005, 15:59

All the products you have seen on this japanes web-site are made of copper.

This products are modified with a thin layer of gold...

But these is a modification of a third party... Aqua-Computer does not supply any golden coolers...

Man In Blue
A sinking ship is still a ship!

Re: Gold plated coolers?

Mittwoch, 6. April 2005, 16:16

Zitat von »IT-TRADE.NET«

Did anyone read the first question correctly? :'(

Question was:

I think the answer can only be given by A-C ;) and I also think it'll depend on the quantity desired and the money you're willing to pay for it ;D

Did you read my answer ?

Re: Gold plated coolers?

Mittwoch, 6. April 2005, 17:00

Well fortunately the A-C coolers are modular in construction so gold plating them won't be too difficult on my side of the pond. It's always nice to have a Special Edition that no one elese can sell ;D

But what is the issue here? Gold plating looks attractive, doesn't cost a lot relatively speaking, improves heat transference, cut's down on corrosion issues, and of course just plain looks 8)

Re: Gold plated coolers?

Mittwoch, 6. April 2005, 17:13

@Stefan K. : The question was for the gold plating of any A-C cooler and not if A-C manufactures (or manufactured in the past) copper aquatubes.

So, yes I read your answer, but I was not glad with it  ;D
Nix für ungut!  ;)

As I asked Chris he told me that these coolers weren't refined by AC.


wir waren das nicht...

Another thing I didn't understand in your answer was: 'We only produce...'
Aren't you just a store for A-C items? You are also involved in the manufacturing process?


Re: Gold plated coolers?

Mittwoch, 6. April 2005, 19:26

Zitat von »IT-TRADE.NET«

@Stefan K. : The question was for the gold plating of any A-C cooler and not if A-C manufactures (or manufactured in the past) copper aquatubes.

Another thing I didn't understand in your answer was: 'We only produce...' Aren't you just a store for A-C items? You are also involved in the manufacturing process?

Oops! ::) Busted :o

Re: Gold plated coolers?

Mittwoch, 6. April 2005, 21:16

Not really.

Re: Gold plated coolers?

Donnerstag, 7. April 2005, 07:43

Zitat von »Man_In_Blue«

All the products you have seen on this japanes web-site are made of copper.

This products are modified with a thin layer of gold...

But these is a modification of a third party... Aqua-Computer does not supply any golden coolers...

Well...if A-C doesn't make copper Aquatubes anymore where did they come from? The date on the page is 7-24-04 or something close to that. Is your Japanese distributor making copper Aquatubes under a manufacturing sub-license? If so perhaps I should be talking to them?

Re: Gold plated coolers?

Donnerstag, 7. April 2005, 07:48

nobody manufacturs an AquaTube CU anymore. When it will be build in future again, it will be done by AC.
Suche Bücher von Tanenbaum und Galileo (auch Video-Training) - bitte KM! [img] http://www.aqua-computer-berlin.de/logo.png [/img]

Re: Gold plated coolers?

Dienstag, 12. April 2005, 01:01

Along this same line does anyone know if Aquatubes are available in the raw or in an unanodized state?