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Aquacomputer case mod

Montag, 4. April 2005, 22:01

I thougt i better asked be for i did this .......

Is there going tobe a problem in using the aqaucomputer logo in a case mod?

ive seen a few about but i just want to check..... :)

Re: Aquacomputer case mod

Montag, 4. April 2005, 22:26

you wouldn't be the first one from the forum who does that, look at this ;)

I don't see a problem in it, for aquacomputer it's good publicity, and if it looks good maybe also an honor ;)
Verwende keine sinnlose Gewalt. Hol einen größeren Hammer.

Re: Aquacomputer case mod

Montag, 4. April 2005, 23:43

Zitat von »Nitrix«

I thought I better ask be for I did this .......

Is there going to be a problem in using the aqaucomputer logo in a case mod?

I've seen a few about but I just want to check..... :)

I think the pic Shoggy has that looks like a big fish with teeth ready to gulp down an Innovatek bait would look awesome! I have been using that pic as my desktop. Get a giggle everytime I see it. ;D

Re: Aquacomputer case mod

Dienstag, 5. April 2005, 00:19

;D ;D

If you want to know what we are talking about => click here ::)

Well, I see no problem in using the logo. There are already some people who did it before. If you need the logo in a specific file-format or size feel free to contact me :)

Re: Aquacomputer case mod

Dienstag, 5. April 2005, 00:48

Zitat von »Shoggy«

;D ;D

If you want to know what we are talking about => click here

Hey when did you do the English version? Mine says something like "United Stylorz of Aqua." What does "Stylorz" mean as LEO says zip.

Re: Aquacomputer case mod

Dienstag, 5. April 2005, 00:53

well this is "slang" in this forum I think Styl0rz cannot be translated :P

Re: Aquacomputer case mod

Dienstag, 5. April 2005, 00:56

;D ;D

Interesting to see that english speaking people dont understand the german 1337-speech ;D

"Styl0rz" is for "Stylers" which for us means people who are very good at something.... ;D
difficult to explain.... :)

The phrase "united stylors of aqua" was as far as i know a suggestion for a possible Aqua computer clan name ;)

Re: Aquacomputer case mod

Dienstag, 5. April 2005, 00:58

Afaik they were good at drinking Sanwald blue (beer). some peple here often go "Blue Styl0rn" :P

Re: Aquacomputer case mod

Dienstag, 5. April 2005, 01:00

Zitat von »rebyC«

Afaik they were good at drinking Sanwald blue (beer). some peple here often go "Blue Styl0rn" :P

Oh, yes, and it was north germany against south or such like that... ;D ;D

*still searching the thread* ;)

Re: Aquacomputer case mod

Dienstag, 5. April 2005, 01:01

United Styl0rs of Aqua-Computer vs. people that live below the "weißwurst-äquator" was the sentence

Re: Aquacomputer case mod

Dienstag, 5. April 2005, 01:13

That logo/wallpaper/whatever was done for a Lan-Party, just for Fun :)

Did I say FUN?


Re: Aquacomputer case mod

Dienstag, 5. April 2005, 02:35

Zitat von »Shoggy«

That logo/wallpaper/whatever was done for a Lan-Party, just for Fun :)

Did I say FUN?


The best thing on it was the guy telling me to stop.

I said yes and continued.

He asked if i wanna make fun of him. I said yes again and continued.

Thats stylorn. 8)

Afterwards i had a small chat with him telling him that we take care in cleaning the wall afterwards. Did we ? ;D

Re: Aquacomputer case mod

Dienstag, 5. April 2005, 04:27

Zitat von »back_orifice«

;D ;D

Interesting to see that english speaking people dont understand the german 1337-speech ;D

"Styl0rz" is for "Stylers" which for us means people who are very good at something.... ;D
difficult to explain.... :)

The phrase "united stylors of aqua" was as far as i know a suggestion for a possible Aqua computer clan name ;)

You guys are too funny! ;D Now that I think about it a while it makes sense. Just hadn't heard that term since the sixties here in the colonies. People here used to say "were styling now" when they were driving around in their new caddy, fancy boat, or otherwise doing something fancy.

Glad to see some gals in your pics. How about a T-shirt like that for sale? I would definitely buy one like that as it would be really cool and different. 8)

Re: Aquacomputer case mod

Dienstag, 5. April 2005, 09:21

I think Innovatec wouldn't find that funny :-/

Re: Aquacomputer case mod

Dienstag, 5. April 2005, 16:43

Zitat von »rebyC«

I think Innovatec wouldn't find that funny :-/

Who cares?

Re: Aquacomputer case mod

Dienstag, 5. April 2005, 17:21


Who cares?

Nobody if you don't mind going to court... Some people had the privilege in the past ;)

The guys from inno*blablabla* don't like such fun. :-*

Re: Aquacomputer case mod

Mittwoch, 6. April 2005, 00:12

So a trademark infringement case heh? Didn't know that Germany was as sue happy as America is. :-/

Here in this country political satire is a protected right. So we can have this kind of fun without worrying too much about that kind of stuff. But I can see that A-C can't get involved in stuff like this as then if gets a bit iffy. However, that doesn't necessarily prevent a third party from having a bit of fun ;D

Re: Aquacomputer case mod

Mittwoch, 6. April 2005, 01:05

no, if you take that picture, print it on T-shirts and give them to others its your own risk ( I do not think that Shoggy has anything against it)

Re: Aquacomputer case mod

Mittwoch, 6. April 2005, 01:34

Zitat von »rebyC«

no, if you take that picture, print it on T-shirts and give them to others its your own risk ( I do not think that Shoggy has anything against it)

I take full responsibilty for my actions. 8) And IIRC I found it somewhere on the internet...can't remember where though. Getting old makes a gal have memory problems. ;)

Re: Aquacomputer case mod

Mittwoch, 6. April 2005, 21:56

Ok then that a yes!

the case is getting laser cut as we speak!

ill let you have pics of the mods as it happens, we have even managed to cut a few fan grills already :D