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Junior Member

standby aquero

Samstag, 14. Mai 2005, 03:47


My stuff arrived last week and i am finally finished assembling.
The bad thing is, something i can't get to work: aquero standby.
I've read the manual, and still asking myself what i'am doing wrong ???

Do i have to enable an option somewhere in aquero to make it work?
Please help me out guys.

Re: standby aquero

Samstag, 14. Mai 2005, 14:40

Do you have the Aquaero wired for stand by power? It is a separate connection.

Re: standby aquero

Samstag, 14. Mai 2005, 15:08

1. Install the StandBy-Connection
2. Set the Jumper from the DefautPosition to the Standby-Position

"Live free or die: Death is not the worst of evils."


Junior Member

Re: standby aquero

Samstag, 14. Mai 2005, 18:53

Standby kabel: done that.
Jumper: It was already on jumper 2-3 ???

Re: standby aquero

Samstag, 14. Mai 2005, 19:38

Do you mean that you want the aquaero to operate with the pc switched off? if so you will need another way of powering the aquaero through it's standby power connection. afaik the power supply isn't switched on until the motherboard bridges the power switch pins. so, in other words, you'll need to supply it with 5v so that it can turn the main psu on.


Junior Member

Re: standby aquero

Samstag, 14. Mai 2005, 21:35

No just the stand-by modus the aquero.

I think this is the moment where i should contact the support.

Re: standby aquero

Samstag, 14. Mai 2005, 22:04

do you mean, you want the aquaero to put the computer into standby mode? or what? i'm confused now :-/


Junior Member

Re: standby aquero

Samstag, 14. Mai 2005, 22:16

Nope, i mean the stand-by modus of the aquero: when powering off the computer, the text in the aquero stays on.

Re: standby aquero

Samstag, 14. Mai 2005, 22:52


Do you mean that you want the aquaero to operate with the pc switched off?


No just the stand-by modus the aquero.

hence: the confusion!

right, you will need another power supply to power the aquaero when the pc is turned off!

the standby power cable should work when the pc is in standby, but i think it won't if the computer is shut down fully (even with the mains still connected)

Re: standby aquero

Sonntag, 15. Mai 2005, 02:13

There is a standby +5VSB power line included in the ATX power specs that is hot even if the PC is turned off. The wire should be purple in color and is supposed to be rated for 5 amps. This wire can be found bundled in the 20 pin (or 24 pin on newer power supplies) ATX connector. Check your power supply documentation to find out exactly which wire it is.

I can see where the confusion about the addtional power supply is coming from though, as the Aquaero manual is worded awkwardly. It states:
"Connection possibility for a additional power supply via the 5 V standby strand of the PSU. In this case the aquaero stays active evcen when the computer has been shut down (Soft-Off). See also JP1. Only use cables specified by aqua-computer (not included in delivery)!"

What they are saying is that you can power the aquaero off of the +5VSB line from your PSU. My guess is that they sell a connector that plugs into the aquaero and splices into your +5VSB line on the other end. I'm not sure how you would do this without voiding your PSU warranty. Do you have a pic of the aquaero standby cable?
Ich bin Ausländer und sprechen nicht gut Deutsch

Re: standby aquero

Sonntag, 15. Mai 2005, 02:37

Zitat von »Yellowsnow17«

T My guess is that they sell a connector that plugs into the aquaero and splices into your +5VSB line on the other end. I'm not sure how you would do this without voiding your PSU warranty. Do you have a pic of the aquaero standby cable?

You are correct. A-C sells a part number 53041 which lets you do this without voiding your warranty. Here is a pic courtesy of IT-Trade that shows it clearly. However, it is only set up for 20 pin supplies. I have one sitting here on my desk and indeed it is a purple wire.

Re: standby aquero

Sonntag, 15. Mai 2005, 12:57

:-[ (Busy eating my own hat)

I thought that that 5v line only worked when the pc was in standby mode? i guess i was wrong.