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Junior Member

Aquero - No LCD Display

Donnerstag, 15. September 2005, 15:46

Hi Folks

Making good progress with Pitch Black (http://forums.bit-tech.net/showthread.php?t=95638). I got it fired up over the week. Starting to hook all my AC stuff and started with the Aquero. I have the Aquastream card plugged into the back and just a pwr connector to the Aquero, nothing else. First two boots the Aquero posted fine, since then I get no LCD display although the Green Pwr LED in on on the back?

Any ideas?

Re: Aquero - No LCD Display

Donnerstag, 15. September 2005, 16:53

You should try an EEPROM-Reset.

Disconnect the standby-adapter if you use it. Wenn your computer is turned off, hold down the set-button on your aquaero and start the PC. Hold the button for around 4 seconds (not longer!!!) and release it.
The EEPROM will be resetted and maybe it will help to get your Aquaero back to life ;)


Junior Member

Re: Aquero - No LCD Display

Donnerstag, 15. September 2005, 20:07

Zitat von »Shoggy«

You should try an EEPROM-Reset.

Disconnect the standby-adapter if you use it. Wenn your computer is turned off, hold down the set-button on your aquaero and start the PC. Hold the button for around 4 seconds (not longer!!!) and release it.
The EEPROM will be resetted and maybe it will help to get your Aquaero back to life ;)

Thanks Shoggy, saw that in the manual already and tried it - no luck. I also hooked up the USB cable to check if it was just the LCD but the OS isn't picking it up either.


Junior Member

Re: Aquero - No LCD Display

Freitag, 16. September 2005, 15:58

As per Stefan's advise I also tried disconnecting the AquaStream cable and doing an EEPROM reset and no luck there.


Junior Member

Re: Aquero - No LCD Display

Freitag, 16. September 2005, 21:50

Just to confirm a couple of things. This is hooked up to a Silverstone PSU (nVideo SLI Approved) which in turn is hooked up to a UPS/Power Conditioner so no problems with dirty power. The power chain it is hooked up to also has a HDD & DVD powering fine. I tried it on a separate chain with no luck.

Today I took the two boards apart to check for broken traces, etc and their is nothing obvious. I blew all the connections out with compressed air and re-assembled but still no luck.

Re: Aquero - No LCD Display

Montag, 19. September 2005, 19:44

sebastian just took a look at this topic ..

no other way but to send it to us.

Please include the aquastrem, the panel, and the aquaero-aquastream cable.

Send it directly to

aqua computer
Gellihäuser Str. 1
37130 Gleichen

we´ll check it fast and send it back asap.




Junior Member

Re: Aquero - No LCD Display

Montag, 19. September 2005, 22:45

Zitat von »Stefan«

sebastian just took a look at this topic ..

no other way but to send it to us.

Please include the aquastrem, the panel, and the aquaero-aquastream cable.

Send it directly to

aqua computer
Gellihäuser Str. 1
37130 Gleichen

we´ll check it fast and send it back asap.



Will do, thanks for the help.


Junior Member

Re: Aquero - No LCD Display

Dienstag, 20. September 2005, 11:52

BTW do you want the actual pump ???

Re: Aquero - No LCD Display

Dienstag, 20. September 2005, 12:01

No, we don´t need the pump.




Junior Member

Re: Aquero - No LCD Display

Mittwoch, 21. September 2005, 16:22

Just Airmailed, should be with you Mon/Tue next week.


Junior Member

Re: Aquero - No LCD Display

Donnerstag, 29. September 2005, 16:37

Wow that was quick. Arrived back in the post today. All seems to be working. What was up with it?

However connected it up and installed Aquasuite 4.32 and get the following error.

Re: Aquero - No LCD Display

Donnerstag, 29. September 2005, 16:53

That error is simple to solve. Just do a EEPROM-reset as mentioned before.


Junior Member

Re: Aquero - No LCD Display

Freitag, 30. September 2005, 13:51

Zitat von »Shoggy«

That error is simple to solve. Just do a EEPROM-reset as mentioned before.

Thanks shoggy, tried that yesterday and it didn't work. This morning I started up the PC and ran Aquasuite and it wouldn't connect to the Aquero. I could browse through the LCD fine though, until I browsed to the flow sensor 1 and the screen went blank although remained lit. So I rebooted and I am back to square one, no LCD and no Aquasuite!


Junior Member

Re: Aquero - No LCD Display

Montag, 3. Oktober 2005, 15:18

Do I send it back or will I be able to fix it myself ???

Re: Aquero - No LCD Display

Dienstag, 4. Oktober 2005, 17:02

The Aquaero itself is runnig without any problems? Which firmware version is installed?

I would say that is only a softwareproblem.


Junior Member

Re: Aquero - No LCD Display

Dienstag, 4. Oktober 2005, 17:11

Zitat von »Shoggy«

The Aquaero itself is runnig without any problems? Which firmware version is installed?

I would say that is only a softwareproblem.

Hi Shoogy, as far as I know, the latest v4(?). As neither the LCD display nor the Aquisuite is working I can't be sure.