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Sonntag, 9. Oktober 2005, 18:49

Am i right in thinking that you can arrange your loop however you want eg gpu - >NB -> cpu or cpu -> gpu-> nb and you will get the same temps. Pretty sure this is correct remeber stephan saying something about it a while ago. Thanks

Re: temps!

Sonntag, 9. Oktober 2005, 19:48

I think that conventional wisdom used to recommend hitting the CPU first, moving onto the next largest source of heat and so on...

Nowadays I think the CPU is generally the first port of call, but a sensible tubing layout and keeping your loop as short as you can seems to be favourite. ;D

Re: temps!

Sonntag, 9. Oktober 2005, 20:22


it won´t make much difference. And believe me .. your CPU doesn´t care for one degree or less.



Re: temps!

Sonntag, 9. Oktober 2005, 21:01

another quiestion... the eheim 1048 pump is it suitable for 4 blocks and the 1800 rad? Pretty sure it is as it comes out onto my res. quite nicely just want to prove some1 wrong

Re: temps!

Montag, 10. Oktober 2005, 14:44

If the 1048 is adequately moving coolant around your loop, then it's fine.

But you have to understand that for any water cooling loop faster flow rate will equal increased cooling performance up until a certain point. With a 1800 that you are using, i'm guessing that cooling performance can be improved with increased flow.

You can test this yourself if you can adjust the speed of the pump... I have a setup here with a pump on a rheo. I can vary the voltage to the pump from off (0V) to full speed (12V)... at full flow (12V) the CPU read 27 degrees typically, at half speed (6-7V), the CPU reads 30 degrees typically.

Re: temps!

Montag, 10. Oktober 2005, 15:37

Even the 1046 is enough for this system ... ::)

Re: temps!

Montag, 10. Oktober 2005, 21:20

just what i thought stefan <3