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Multiple Tubemeters

Wednesday, October 19th 2005, 2:43pm

Can I use multiple Tubemeters? Maybe 2-3 and interface them all in the Aquasuite?

Re: Multiple Tubemeters

Wednesday, October 19th 2005, 4:36pm

would have thought so, i think they are usb devices.


Full Member

Re: Multiple Tubemeters

Wednesday, October 19th 2005, 5:25pm

maybe its just me but i really cant see the point of a tube meter as sure you can tell visualy how low the level is.



Re: Multiple Tubemeters

Wednesday, October 19th 2005, 5:31pm

Yes you can. They will be shown as different devices in the aquasuite.

Re: Multiple Tubemeters

Wednesday, October 19th 2005, 10:52pm

Quoted from "Stephan"

Yes you can. They will be shown as different devices in the aquasuite.

Great! I got two of them on order right now along with a Multiswitch from IT-Trade for my vertically mounted Aquatubes. I will have to go back and see if I can work the other one into the Aquabay as I have it mounted somewhat different than most do.

Do they connect to the USB bus, to the Aquaero, or the Multiswitch?

Re: Multiple Tubemeters

Wednesday, October 19th 2005, 10:54pm

Quoted from "Ze@lot"

maybe its just me but i really cant see the point of a tube meter as sure you can tell visualy how low the level is.

I build amateur radio stuff, that I can buy off the shelf, just for the fun of it. This is for the fun of it. ;D

Besides what in the world could you possibly use 10 USB ports for if you didn't have something like a Tubemeter?

Re: Multiple Tubemeters

Thursday, October 20th 2005, 1:14pm

Quoted from "Top_Nurse"

Besides what in the world could you possibly use 10 USB ports for if you didn't have something like a Tubemeter?

Wired mouse (gaming), wireless mouse, keyboard, printer, scanner, graphics tablet, webcam, pen drive, Bluetooth.

Okay – I’ve got a spare ;)