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Some questions before ordering my aquaero!!

Donnerstag, 10. August 2006, 11:30

I was very pleased of the quality of AC products, so I decided to order also an aquaero!! ;D
Before do that, I need some answer tough…I hope someone will be so kind to post some replies! =P

1) What is the difference between the green/inverse and the OLE-display of the LCD?
2) What kind of fittings do I need for the plug&cool temperature sensor? (actually I have 10/8 mm tubes)
3) What accessory I need to make the aquaero turn of the pc, if the temperature reach a critical level? I see some atx connector but I haven’t yet figured out how it will be connected…

Also...please, it is possible to order a replacement Plexiglas lid for the aquatube? My gone scratched and I need a spare part, but I haven’t found this lid on the online catalogue!
Thanks to all in advance to all for the replies,
Bye Bye

Re: Some questions before ordering my aquaero!!

Donnerstag, 10. August 2006, 15:03

Welcome to the forum :)

1.) The LC Display is working with a backlight. That means you won't have a real black ground; it's more a little shiny green-grey.
The OLED Display has no backlight. Only the necessary pixels will light up and you have a really dark black ground. The contrast and angle of view is much better.

2.) The PnC inline-sensor is designed to plug it into an PnC connector. You could use this adapter but it will only work with PUR tubing or any other stiff tubing.
If you own a aquatube it would be very easy: just order a normal PnC connector.

3.) There are two ways for shutting down the system: via PSU or the power switch of your mainboard.

For both methods you need will need this relais plug.

If you want to use the PSU method you need the aquaero power connect ATX-Standby-Adapter 70 cm.

It has an extended green power good cable. You split it up and connect the ends to your relais plug. When the aquaero wants to shut off the system it will disrupt the line and the PSU is shut down immediately.

The other method with the power switch requies no additional accessory but you will have to tinker a bit ;)

It should look like that at the end:

If the aquaero wants to shut off the system it will "press" the power button and the computer will go off after around 2 seconds - like you would press and hold the power button by hand.

You can get the plexiglas for your aquatube if you order it via the comment field at the end of your order, afaik it will cost 4 euro.

Re: Some questions before ordering my aquaero!!

Donnerstag, 10. August 2006, 16:23

Thank a lot for the quick reply! I’ve also read others post and I think it is a great community here at AC!!
1) Then I will go for the OLE display…but the colour (green or blue) are selectable by aquaero, or I have to specify which colour I want in the order?
2) Perfect, so the sensor have an external diameter of 8mm…then maybe I can plug it whit this directly on my aquatube as you've suggested
3) the second method seem a bit complicated...maybe is better the atx adapter...i don't want to fries all my pc!

And thank god the lid is disponible!! yuh-yhooo!

Re: Some questions before ordering my aquaero!!

Donnerstag, 10. August 2006, 16:33

I forgot...and to make the aquaero stay lit when the pc is in stand-by mode? how it can be do?


Senior Member

Re: Some questions before ordering my aquaero!!

Donnerstag, 10. August 2006, 19:46

1) The OLED is only available in green. However, using the VFD you would be able to achieve almost any color, by the use of simple color filters.
2) Why don't you just screw this into the aquatube?
3) Notice, that at the moment, there is only a 20-Pin ATX Version of the cable.

Oh, and to avoid doubleposting you can use the edit button ("Bearbeiten").
badger badger badger ...

Re: Some questions before ordering my aquaero!!

Freitag, 11. August 2006, 03:26

Thanks Jar for the nice suggestions!
In fact my motherboard uses 24 pin ATX, so i think the AC cable is unusable to me...This leave me the second option suggested by Shoggy!
If i've understood (the picture diagram is clear,but i'm not a technician), the trick is this:
Take the 2 wires of the power button and cut each , put the uncovered wires in the relais and fix they whit the littles screws, plug the two relay's little holes in the aquaero (the rest of the wires go to the power button). Finally configure the aquaero software.
Is this correct?


Senior Member

Re: Some questions before ordering my aquaero!!

Freitag, 11. August 2006, 03:36

Yes. ;)
badger badger badger ...

Re: Some questions before ordering my aquaero!!

Freitag, 11. August 2006, 04:16

You can also use the PSU method. Get a ATX-24 extension cable (from an other shop) and extend the green power good wire.