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aquasuite beta: .NET 2.0

Mittwoch, 10. Januar 2007, 18:30

We have revised the aquasuite in many points and made it compatible with Windows Vista and XP x64. Only the .NET framework 2.0 is needed now.

Modifications in comparison with the previous version:
  • By clicking the fan and sensors on the overview page you will be forwarded to corresponding settings
  • Online function for checking the availability of new aquasuite versions.
  • Diagram representation with many new functions - it can be worked with the mouse directly in the diagrams (e.g. zoom, scaling, export as a picture)
  • Poweradjust - XML export and database log function added
  • Logdata analysis is carried out globally and device-independently now through "extras-> analyze log data".
  • Pictures for sensors and fans in the picture folder are individual interchangeable by the user.
  • Alternative pictures for every device by adding the serial number (e.g. "fan_1_4341.png")
  • Presentation of the sensor settings completely revised.
  • Aquaduct integrated to the aquasuite.
  • Performance measurement: Data is saved in the database and exported as XML.
  • Fixed problems with the input of numbers at english and german .NET Framework
  • If fan channel 4 ist used for the flow-sensor, the fan settings will be removed from the panel.
Still not public is an automatic export of the data of all equipment through a shared memory interface. Plugins do not have to use the XML data any more. As soon as this function is available, a Samurize Plugin will also appear, which can use all data of the aquasuite directly.

Since this version has still some bugs, the software appears as a beta version. The final software will be delivered with an Installer as usual. The beta version is only provided as a ZIP archive.

You only need to unzip the archive to you harddisk and the .NET framework 2.0 must be installed. The software starts with the file "aquasuite.exe".

The link will be updated with every new version, including a changelog about fixed bugs.

Download: aquasuite 4.42.10 Beta
Download: aquasuite 4.42.11 Beta
Download: aquasuite 4.42.12 Beta (Vista 64 compatible)

Please write bugs, feedback and wishes for the software into this thread.
Spam and nonsensical comments will be deleted to keep the overview.

Have fun with trying and testing the new software.


Changelog 4.42.11
- Diagrams have a constantly big font now.
- Fan allocation is going "faster" now (was a displaying problem).
- The update check is in extras now.
- Problems with the output of data with comma places cleared (XML, logdata and software).
- Diagrams are not interpolating now any more.
- Different pictures for the overview page and the setting pages.

Re: aquasuite beta: .NET 2.0

Donnerstag, 11. Januar 2007, 21:05

"By clicking the fan and sensors on the overview page you will be forwarded to corresponding settings " is very usefull !

On fan tab, if fan mode is "Set rpm" or "set power input", it is not possible of desactivate "Hold minimum power".

Re: aquasuite beta: .NET 2.0

Sonntag, 14. Januar 2007, 09:54

same as above...but you can't active it.. not disactive
other problems...
1) on the fan tab the graph is labled in german.. but i am in english mode
2) setting the power output for the fans (at least for one of the fans i have tried...), if you set the value @ 99 or lower and press enter or click away to active it, the value will automattically go to a value of 1 lower... e.g. set it at 11% click away.. and the value will now be at 10%.
3) the timer.. aquaero time: the day is in german... not english. e.g. it states Sonntag.. instead of Sunday, this is also the case for pc time: and in the display & hardware tab... aquaero information.. aquaero time:
4) in sensor settings.. i cannot get what the "assign to fans" tab does.. the buttons..don't do anything... previously 2 of them were "no sensor"... click on them and they are now "water" .. click again.. and nothing happens :/
5) Sensor settings tab again... sensor calibration & trace settings the graphs are in German (the labling) yet again I am in english mode.
6) maybe not a fault.. but in profiles tab... I don't have a profile (not the problem..) but in "status:" it shows nothing... maybe you should say "no profile loaded" ?
7) English spelling of "liter" is actually "litre" see here for proof http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Litre

Hope this helps ;)

Ed B.

Re: aquasuite beta: .NET 2.0

Sonntag, 14. Januar 2007, 10:18

I have tried this beta software but don't work. I have an winxp 64 bit. The error message is: "The "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB4.0" provider in not registered on the local machine.

Re: aquasuite beta: .NET 2.0

Sonntag, 14. Januar 2007, 11:38

have you installed NET framework 2.0
and why do you have xp64 anyway... its really not a good operating system - it doesn't have any advantages... only disadvantages

Re: aquasuite beta: .NET 2.0

Sonntag, 14. Januar 2007, 17:48

Zitat von »boswell«

have you installed NET framework 2.0
and why do you have xp64 anyway... its really not a good operating system - it doesn't have any advantages... only disadvantages

I have NET framework 2.0 and i love xp 64 bit ;D

Re: aquasuite beta: .NET 2.0

Sonntag, 14. Januar 2007, 19:13

OK. i don't know the solution.. but why do you love x64? it really doesn't make any difference apart from the amount of ram you can have.... and when server boards are the only boards that allow you to have more... why anyway it doesn't make any performance differences.. only slower in most cases. nevermind.


Junior Member

Re: aquasuite beta: .NET 2.0

Mittwoch, 17. Januar 2007, 17:41

Hi there, i am two getting the following error message under windows 64-bit

The error message is: "The "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB4.0" provider in not registered on the local machine

I have download the netframe 2.0 and installed it, still getting the following error.

Any ideas, the older version works fine. ;D

Re: aquasuite beta: .NET 2.0

Mittwoch, 17. Januar 2007, 18:07


--> Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2.8

Gruß Max Payne


Full Member

Re: aquasuite beta: .NET 2.0

Donnerstag, 18. Januar 2007, 10:09

I am having the same error message
"The "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB4.0" provider in not registered on the local machine"
in Vista64 enterprice, which has .NET 3.0 by default.

I also tried the MDAC

Any suggestions?
WS: W10 | Asus Rog Strix X299 | i7-7820X | Asus Rog Strix 1080Ti | Dominator 32GB | Corsair 860AXi | 512GB Samsung EVO 970 |WC: EK-Waterblocks | AC- Monitor and Control | 3x EK-CoolStream PE 480 | LD PC-V8
Gamer:W10 | Asus R4E | i7 3930K | 3x Asus HD 7970 CF | Dominator 16GB| Corsair 1200AXi | 2x120GB I520 Raid0 | WC: EK-Waterblocks | AC- Monitor and Control | 4x Airplex PRO 360 | MM Extended Ascension


Full Member

Re: aquasuite beta: .NET 2.0

Sonntag, 21. Januar 2007, 23:45

I am still not successful in getting the Beta to work on my Vista64 machine. (.NET 3.0)

After browsing a bit on the net, It seems that it is a "common" .Net/Access problem (well - I don't understand the technicalities ...) Since I am also running Office (Access) 2007, I wonder whether this could be a part of the problem? ???

The beta is however working on my laptop (WinXP SP2 and Access 2003), and I am able to control my watercooling system through that PC. (looks good! :))

BTW: I really like your wallpapers, any chance of getting them in larger sizes (1920x1200)? 8)
WS: W10 | Asus Rog Strix X299 | i7-7820X | Asus Rog Strix 1080Ti | Dominator 32GB | Corsair 860AXi | 512GB Samsung EVO 970 |WC: EK-Waterblocks | AC- Monitor and Control | 3x EK-CoolStream PE 480 | LD PC-V8
Gamer:W10 | Asus R4E | i7 3930K | 3x Asus HD 7970 CF | Dominator 16GB| Corsair 1200AXi | 2x120GB I520 Raid0 | WC: EK-Waterblocks | AC- Monitor and Control | 4x Airplex PRO 360 | MM Extended Ascension

Re: aquasuite beta: .NET 2.0

Montag, 22. Januar 2007, 00:31

Zitat von »drbo«

I am still not successful in getting the Beta to work on my Vista64 machine. (.NET 3.0)

After browsing a bit on the net, It seems that it is a "common" .Net/Access problem (well - I don't understand the technicalities ...) Since I am also running Office (Access) 2007, I wonder whether this could be a part of the problem? ???

The beta is however working on my laptop (WinXP SP2 and Access 2003), and I am able to control my watercooling system through that PC. (looks good! :))

BTW: I really like your wallpapers, any chance of getting them in larger sizes (1920x1200)? 8)

I don't know if Sebastian is looking in the thread so you should write him an e-mail.

--> sebastian.grams@aqua-computer.de

Greeting Max Payne

Re: aquasuite beta: .NET 2.0

Montag, 22. Januar 2007, 00:45

If you are talking about my wallpapers, the answer will be no...

Re: aquasuite beta: .NET 2.0

Montag, 22. Januar 2007, 01:42

Can we have Aquasuite read temperatures from the shared memory space of Speedfan?

Speedfan is very common and covers almost all hardware. This would allow Aquasuite to set fans and pumps based on CPU core temperatures which would be very helpful.


Re: aquasuite beta: .NET 2.0

Montag, 22. Januar 2007, 01:49

Using core temps for controlling the fans is only one thing: stupid!

The core temperature can jump from 30 to 50°C in a few seconds. How do you want to use that for controlling? ;D

The fans would go crazy: up, down, up, down...


Full Member

Re: aquasuite beta: .NET 2.0

Montag, 22. Januar 2007, 11:36

Zitat von »Max_Payne«

I don't know if Sebastian is looking in the thread so you should write him an e-mail.

--> sebastian.grams@aqua-computer.de

Greeting Max Payne

Ill do that 8)

Zitat von »Shoggy«

If you are talking about my wallpapers, the answer will be no...

Yes I did, espesially the blue one ... :'(
(Sorry for the off-topic)
WS: W10 | Asus Rog Strix X299 | i7-7820X | Asus Rog Strix 1080Ti | Dominator 32GB | Corsair 860AXi | 512GB Samsung EVO 970 |WC: EK-Waterblocks | AC- Monitor and Control | 3x EK-CoolStream PE 480 | LD PC-V8
Gamer:W10 | Asus R4E | i7 3930K | 3x Asus HD 7970 CF | Dominator 16GB| Corsair 1200AXi | 2x120GB I520 Raid0 | WC: EK-Waterblocks | AC- Monitor and Control | 4x Airplex PRO 360 | MM Extended Ascension

Re: aquasuite beta: .NET 2.0

Montag, 22. Januar 2007, 23:20

Zitat von »Shoggy«

Using core temps for controlling the fans is only one thing: stupid!

The core temperature can jump from 30 to 50°C in a few seconds. How do you want to use that for controlling? ;D

The fans would go crazy: up, down, up, down...

I respectfully disagree. When the core temperature goes from 30 to 50-deg C you want your fans to ramp up immediately. Core temp's don't fluctuate that much... when the CPU is under load they are high and when its not under load they quickly fall. There is no better source to ramp up fan and pump speed quickly.

If you use water temperature to drive fan speeds, your CPU temperatures will get unnecessarily high before the system is at maximum cooling performance. This is undesirable in my opinion.

Each his own, I guess. At any rate, even if you don't use core temp to manage your system, it would be nice for those of us that do want to do it. It doesn't sound like it would be hard to read the shared memory values of Speedfan, so why not just add this extra capabity to your software and let the users decide if it is useful or stupid.

Re: aquasuite beta: .NET 2.0

Dienstag, 23. Januar 2007, 01:48

Oh my god...

NOW, I hope this function will come, so you can see for yourself how stupid that is...

Re: aquasuite beta: .NET 2.0

Dienstag, 23. Januar 2007, 02:58

Zitat von »Shoggy«

Oh my god...

NOW, I hope this function will come, so you can see for yourself how stupid that is...

So what would you use to control fan speed?  Water temperature?

The problem with water temperature is that it fluctuates with room temperature.  If your room temperature goes up during the heat of the day but your computer is still at idle, your fans will go to high speed unnecessarily.  How do you solve this?

I've tried putting a thermal probe on the side of the IHS of the CPU but that is so close to water temperature, there is no difference.  Only core temperature can tell you reliably whether your system is under load.  What else do you have?

By the way, calling it stupid is a bit rude, don't you think? Don't most motherboard BIOS fan controllers rely on this method?


Füchschen Alt-Meister

Re: aquasuite beta: .NET 2.0

Dienstag, 23. Januar 2007, 12:50

I really agree with Shoggys opinon.
Maybe "stupid" sounds a little bit misplaced, but in my eyes it ist the right word. ;)
Let me explain:
If you want to control your Fan-Speeds depending of change of the Core-Temps, delivered by some not very perfect implemented Bios-Readings, you don't need the AE.
1. Core-Temps shown via Bios-Functions fluctuate very hard and very fast. You can NOT manipulate the measurement-window to smooth the Temp-Curve. (AE can do this with Water-Temps..  ;) ) So your Fans MUST follow the Temp-Hops of your Bios-Core-Temps. All of my Motherboards i used in the last years, show highly alternating Core-Temps. (Abit BE6, Abit BE6II, Asus PBV4X, Asus P4P800 Deluxe, Asus P4C800, A7V-Series, A8NSeries, ECS KN1-Extreme ..)
2. Bios-Readings of Core-Temps are NOT accurate. They can change e.g. only by a Bios-Update and they are affected by the way the company implements it. These readings don't show the real Core-Temperature but the aproximation in the way the company implemented it.
3. What happens if your System freezes?  Your Core-Temp could rise, but the AE will not get new readings.
The AE works independent!
4. The so called "Core-Temperature" is more affected by airflow on the MoBo than by the cooling capacity of the cooling-block. Have you ever examined what happens to your "Core-Temp" if you point some Air-Flow from a extra Fan on your voltage-converters on your Mobo?
From my point of view, this must not affect the Core-Temp.
And in my System it do not affect my Water-Temperature. Why?
Because only the heat dissipated by my water-blocks affect my water-temperature.

If you really want to control your fan-speed depending on the mobo-delivered "core-temps", you can use FANSPEED directly without the AE. You will see how innaccurate this works. Nearly every modern motherboard can be used with FANSPEED.

For me personally, Fan-Speeds depending on bios-delivered "Core-Temps" are not stupid, but a big nonsense.


P.S: I WANT that the room temperature affects my water-temperature and in succession my Radiator-Fan-Speeds.
Only because a higher Room-Temperature affects my Cpu-Temperature. Wether via water (H2O-Cooled) than via air (Air-Cooled).
. . . . . . . 19.07.2019 8) 8) 8) 8) :D . . . ... :D 8) 8) 8) 8)