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Junior Member

lenguages software aquasuite

Sunday, February 4th 2007, 8:46pm

hello to all. I have one doubts. I want to know if the program aquasuite has Spanish language? or at least English?



Sven - Admin

Re: lenguages software aquasuite

Sunday, February 4th 2007, 8:50pm

The aquasuite can be switched to english.

You can also add a new language by yourself. Check the folder aquasuite\database. There you will find a MS Access database called aquasuite.mdb. It contains all the text strings and you can add a new language.


Junior Member

Re: lenguages software aquasuite

Monday, February 5th 2007, 7:47pm

ah pardons. still I do not have the aquaero with aquasuite. it stops within a month it will buy a aquaero to me and it will watch software. single it was by knowing if tapeworm Spanish. OK thank you very much.



Re: lenguages software aquasuite

Monday, February 5th 2007, 10:08pm

A very special feature of the aquaero: You can translate the menus of the aquaero in the database file shoggy named. Then switch to your language in the aquasuite and flash the aquaero again. If you have done this also the aquaero menus, alarms etc. will be in your spanish version !

By the way: If you do this please send us a copy of the database. Then we can include spanish :)


Junior Member

Re: lenguages software aquasuite

Tuesday, February 6th 2007, 12:42am

you do not know the illusion that ace to show to spear the Spanish language in display of the aquaero and aquasuite to me! I will send the copy to you when she has it I throw. very many thanks.


Junior Member

Re: lenguages software aquasuite

Thursday, June 28th 2007, 1:43am

and already installed aquasuite but not like adding the Spanish. I to follow this route: C:\Archivos de programa\Aqua Computer \ aquasuite \ database there are two archives: aquasuite.MDB aquasuitedata.MDB but not as of both it is necessary to touch, and managed to open it with the notepad but it is not understood what puts.


Sven - Admin

Re: lenguages software aquasuite

Thursday, June 28th 2007, 2:06am

You have to open it with Microsoft Access ;)

It is a database file and can't be opened with a simple text editor.
Well, you could do it but I'm sure that you will only see something like "?&=/ §%K§&B(IUK$/=(IU?KVUL&%H;%?CK"... ;D


Junior Member

Re: lenguages software aquasuite

Thursday, June 28th 2007, 5:56pm

ALREADY THE CONSEGUI! but I have a doubt, as of them I must open?


Junior Member

Re: lenguages software aquasuite

Thursday, June 28th 2007, 6:00pm

another thing, when I open a file of languages gives the option me to create a new table or I only must change the words of the English to the Spanish? bony where this the table of English and soon the words, has puts them in Spanish or creates a new one?


Junior Member

Re: lenguages software aquasuite

Friday, June 29th 2007, 12:29am

and already managed to pass 40% of the program to the Spanish, in when it has it I pass the file to you.


Junior Member

Re: lenguages software aquasuite

Saturday, June 30th 2007, 1:00pm

good I leave a demonstration you of the language here that and added. I am trying now that the aquaero demonstrates to Spanish but not it profit, I believe that there is to touch firmware_language, no?