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aquastream xt ultra - will not start fan

Donnerstag, 8. März 2012, 17:36

My aquastream xt ultra has a big slow mist fan connected to the fan-connector of the xt.

In aquasuite I set the fan at "temp controlled", minimum fan power % at 40 % and

minimum temp at 20 C.

However the xt will to start the fan spinning, unless I give it a manual gentle push.

Spins ok then. Tried other similar fans, same problem.

The mist fan is 12 v, 0,15 Amp.

Must set aquasuite at at least 80 % minimum fan power to get it spinning

at startup.

Whats the problem ?



Donnerstag, 8. März 2012, 22:28

I would guess that the problem is the initial current or voltage.
The operating current is rated at 0.15 amps but this does not mean that the fan is able to start with this current. You may need a higher initial voltage. -
Try the following: activate the start boost for this fan.

what is a "mist fan"? I never heard this before.
Fürchtet den furchtbaren Fluch des Finsterwald-Fuchses!

Samstag, 10. März 2012, 11:25

Thanks for reply.

The fan is a MISTC140SCL (14 cm) for cooling a MIST water-radiator.

It looks like this :


allthough this picture is not the same type as I have. (sorry for norwegian site, could not find it anywhere else).

Could not find "boost" startup in the aquasuite 4.72.00.

Should it be somewhere else ?

Please advise.



Samstag, 10. März 2012, 13:29

Could not find "boost" startup in the aquasuite 4.72.00.
the aquastream xt dosent have a startboost for the fan.
Your fan is not suitable for control.

Samstag, 10. März 2012, 16:30

"fan not suitable for control" ?

Please explain requirements for a fan than can be controlled from aquasuite via the "fan" output.



Samstag, 10. März 2012, 16:50

for a good speed control, you need a fan with a startup power from 30% .. 50%.
With your fan (startup power 80%) you have a vary limited control range 80 .. 100%.

Sonntag, 11. März 2012, 09:21

ok, thanks for reply. Did not know that aquastream-xt fan-output cannot support all fan-types.

1.So I must rebuild my rig with new fan-types for the radiator (i have 2 14-cm fans today)

in order for the aquastream to control the fans. What type of fan do you suggest ?

2.Or maybe I could put in some other control-hardware around the aquastream ? (could you suggest something ?)

3. Or drop fan control completly from the aquastream, and let the motherboard do the job.

Thanks in advance for all help



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