• 21.09.2024, 10:55
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BUG: Can not use desktop mode on very large desktops

Freitag, 29. März 2024, 03:22

Hello, I have 3 monitors. Monitor #3 & #1 are 3440x1440 and monitor #2 is 515x1920 I am trying to use desktop mode on monitor #2 I can set it up on Monitor #3 just fine, but not on Monitor #1 or #3 It seems aquasuite can not handle large desktops.. :( I can help test if you create a test version.

Freitag, 29. März 2024, 04:57

Hi Pir8Radio,

that can't be said in general for AS, because I'm using the desktop-mode with 5120x1440 without any problems. The only difference: I'm only using one display.

Freitag, 29. März 2024, 16:42

I use one 5120x1440 as main and one 2560x1440 as second monitor, works fine aswell over here.

But you tried to scroll all the way to the right in the AS, right? the other two should appear right next to the first one. Maybe you could post a screenshot of your AS.

Freitag, 29. März 2024, 22:40

I use one 5120x1440 as main and one 2560x1440 as second monitor, works fine aswell over here.

But you tried to scroll all the way to the right in the AS, right? the other two should appear right next to the first one. Maybe you could post a screenshot of your AS.
Yea scrolled over was able to place it on the "third" monitor, but it just doesn't show up there.. Ill make a screen capture video for you guys to see... Works fine on the first monitor.

Freitag, 29. März 2024, 23:29

I use one 5120x1440 as main and one 2560x1440 as second monitor, works fine aswell over here.

But you tried to scroll all the way to the right in the AS, right? the other two should appear right next to the first one. Maybe you could post a screenshot of your AS.
OK, I found the issue, It is still a bug, but the "can not use" is wrong.. What is happening is the further left you go on really wide total display (7395 wide in my case) width the location of the AS widgets gets further and further off from the wallpaper shown in AS. What was happening, when i placed items on the far left monitor, they were way off to the right of that monitor where there is no monitor. so it appeared as it was totally broken. You can see in the attached video link, DJI 0131 (youtube.com)

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