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Are you that bored? (weird photos)

Dienstag, 23. Januar 2007, 23:33

Shock your grandmother with the ostrich! Things to do at home when you are bored =)



Gelöschter Benutzer


Re: Are you that bored? (weird photos)

Dienstag, 23. Januar 2007, 23:33

Und noch ein Close.... 3 -2 -1 zu ;D

Re: Are you that bored? (weird photos)

Dienstag, 23. Januar 2007, 23:35

Zitat von »Möppel«

Und noch ein Close.... 3 -2 -1  zu  ;D

its not spam - its of topic =) stop closing :)

Gelöschter Benutzer


Re: Are you that bored? (weird photos)

Dienstag, 23. Januar 2007, 23:37

Zitat von »PixelTrixel«

its not spam - its of topic =)   stop closing :)

Welcome to the forum ! :)

For things like that we have a special topic, the "Funny Things Topic"....


We also have a "Funny picture thread" in case you want to post pictures directly :


Post your stuff there, and nothing will be closed.

Re: Are you that bored? (weird photos)

Dienstag, 23. Januar 2007, 23:42

Zitat von »Möppel«

For things like that we have a special topic, the "Funny Things Topic"....


ah danke! =)

Re: Are you that bored? (weird photos)

Dienstag, 23. Januar 2007, 23:59


von all den dingen die mir sind verloren gegangen,
habe ich am meisten an meinem Verstand gehangen