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Aquaero XT stops firmware update at 25%

Sonntag, 11. August 2024, 01:45

I have an older system on Windows 10 been running for nine years now with an Aquaero XT. It was on super old version of Aquasuite 2017 3.2. Everything worked fine and there was no need to upgrade, but I swapped out the hardware into a new case with different rads and fans so my old software settings had to be redone anyway.

So I paid for the latest version of Aquasuite. My set up has Aquaero XT, Farbwerk, Flow meter, and an old D5 with Aquabus interface.

After installing the newest Aquasuite X.79 it immediately found all my hardware and I updated the Farbwerk, Flow meter, and D5 pump firmware no problem.

When attempting to update the Aquero XT firmware it stops at 25% and the Aquasuite software shuts down.

I've tried unplugging the USB connections for the Farbwerk, Flow meter, and D5 pump but it still does the same thing.

So now I have a system that is completely unusable and wish I had just kept my old software installed.

Any ideas of how to remedy this or where can download my old version of software? I just want it to work.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Barefooter« (11. August 2024, 16:47)

Sonntag, 18. August 2024, 16:03

I probably should have posted this in the English forum.

I did fix my problem by following these instructions I found here:
1. Shut down the PC and disconnect all cables from the aquaero except
the power supply.
2. Place jumpers on temperature sensor input 5, 6, 7 and 8.
3. Supply power to the aquaero and wait for approximately 60 seconds.
The device display will show information on the deletion process.
4. Shut down the power supply and remove the jumpers from the tempera-
ture sensor inputs.
5. Connect the USB port of the aquaero to the PC's motherboard and turn
the power supply on.
6. Start the aquasuite software and perform a firmware update.
7. Shut down the PC, reconnect all cables, then reboot the PC.

After doing the above steps the firmware would complete and I was able to finish my setup :thumbsup: