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This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Mr. Krabs" (Aug 8th 2021, 8:53pm)
Hello. Someone received the LS for aqualis? Can you upload a photo of the LS installed in the aqualis?
Hello. Someone received the LS for aqualis? Can you upload a photo of the LS installed in the aqualis?
I've received the adapter, but I haven't installed it yet, because I've ordered another valve to be able to add a separate refill port to the installation (because the way the Leakshield is installed on the Aqualis makes it impossible to refill the "normal" from the top of Aqualis).
I hope to do the installation in the next couple of days and I'll make some photos and post them here.
You can still refill the aqualis from the top with LEAKSHIELD - even better. As you simply need to unscrew LEAKSHIELD and then insert the coolant.Hello. Someone received the LS for aqualis? Can you upload a photo of the LS installed in the aqualis?
I've received the adapter, but I haven't installed it yet, because I've ordered another valve to be able to add a separate refill port to the installation (because the way the Leakshield is installed on the Aqualis makes it impossible to refill the "normal" from the top of Aqualis).
I hope to do the installation in the next couple of days and I'll make some photos and post them here.
Thank you, we will wait for the photos!
What model of aqualis do you have?
Yeah, I figured, but if I start to change the system, I want to do it properly. I like idea of being able to "suck in" the fluid. It's also more convenient.You can still refill the aqualis from the top with LEAKSHIELD - even better. As you simply need to unscrew LEAKSHIELD and then insert the coolant.
Sehr cooles Teil, hätte ich vor 2 Jahren mal gebraucht, als ein durch UV-Licht spröde gewordener Schlauch rissig und undicht wurde
Und wie sieht es mit Softtubes aus? Gerade in grenzwertig engen Biegeradien könnte der Unterdruck dann evtl. doch zum Einknicken führen? Zumindest dem Tygon R6012 Norprene 13/10, den ich momentan im Einsatz habe, traue ich das zu..
Und was entspricht daran nicht den von uns geweckten Erwartungen?
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Grestorn" (Aug 14th 2021, 7:02am)