• 23.09.2024, 03:43
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leakshield membrane help

Dienstag, 14. Februar 2023, 16:40

So just 6 months ago, I set up my aquacomputer waterblocks along with leakshield and d5 next pump (ULTITUBE 150 bundle). I ordered everythingb except for a proper coolant. So what i did was added distilled water along with biocide/concentrated liquid from Barrow (because barrow was the only such liquid available in my country).
6 Months later, opened up my PC, found all the TYGON 3603 tubes stained with pink colour (since i used red liquid in 1 litre of distilled water). Waterblocks and rads are fine, no stains at all. Now problem is that little cotton in middle of LEAKSHIELD, its pink.. should i wash it? soak it? i dont want to buy a replacement as yet cause i cant really import stuff in my country these days due to government's policy. Pls see pics n advice.
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Dienstag, 14. Februar 2023, 17:48

Buy Isopropanol (Isopropyl alcohol / IPA), put some drops of it onto the pink membrane, then carefully touch the membrane with a sheet of toilet paper (or something similar) to remove the Isopropanol. Do not rub.

If that does not work, you can buy a replacement membrane here: https://shop.aquacomputer.de/product_inf…roducts_id=4192