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help for reduce pompe noise

Sonntag, 17. März 2002, 21:54

helppppp ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Re: help for reduce pompe noise

Sonntag, 17. März 2002, 21:57

what kind of noise does your pump generate ?
there are three things that create noise,
first the virbration of the pump
second if there is air in the circuit
third if the wheel of the pump isn't fixed than you need the "eheim mod"

could you try to get all the air out and put the pump away form the metal of your chasis to reduce vibrations

Re: help for reduce pompe noise

Sonntag, 17. März 2002, 22:24

see here for a german eheim-mod howto http://www.stud.uni-hannover.de/~angho/C…r_wak_eheim.htm
P4 2,6C, Asus P4P800, MSI Radeon 9800 pro, cooled by AC

Re: help for reduce pompe noise

Sonntag, 17. März 2002, 22:43

in english please

Re: help for reduce pompe noise

Sonntag, 17. März 2002, 22:53

dont know... try google translator or bubblefish
P4 2,6C, Asus P4P800, MSI Radeon 9800 pro, cooled by AC

Re: help for reduce pompe noise

Sonntag, 17. März 2002, 22:57

hehe, ob deutsch, ob franz, alle habens luft in der pumpe

sorry find ich lustig :P


Senior Member

Re: help for reduce pompe noise

Sonntag, 17. März 2002, 23:27

haha ! bubblefish ist auch geil ;D

get the air out of your system jesuscry then youre set.
Anstatt Radeon: XBOX 1.0, Matrix Modchip, 80er Samsung, IR-Mod, EvoX Dash....

Re: help for reduce pompe noise

Sonntag, 17. März 2002, 23:37

my pomp is a aquamedic 2500 l/h

Re: help for reduce pompe noise

Sonntag, 17. März 2002, 23:40

Like it has been said babelfish is your friend :)


elingo was the best, but they are no more. Altavista is you best bet, but the translation is a bit rough.

Re: help for reduce pompe noise

Sonntag, 17. März 2002, 23:40

Zitat von »jesuscry«

my pomp is a aquamedic 2500 l/h

Are you cooling your pc in a swimming pool ;D


Re: help for reduce pompe noise

Sonntag, 17. März 2002, 23:41

2500 l/h ?? wow i think your pump is way to strong for a standard watercooling system that could also be the reason why it is so loud.
get a eheim 1048 or 1046 they are really quiet when the vibration can't be transfered to the case.

Re: help for reduce pompe noise

Sonntag, 17. März 2002, 23:44

And then make the Eheim Mod !

Here is a little instruction

You use this on your own risk.

I will link my explanation to the photos shown on the website which aMdMaNiAc posted above (Link).

First picture:
Open the pump by turning the frontcover in left direction. Now you can seperate the parts. On this picture you have (from left to right) the pump, the shaft for the impeller, the impeller, above the ceramic shaft with bushing and the front cover.
Be careful with the ceramic shaft, it will slightly break.
You can remove the impeller easily be pressing the white end of the shaft together.

Second and third picture:
Wrap a short stripe of teflon tape two times (or more if needed) round the shaft.
Now reinstall the impeller. It should now sit firmly on the shaft and should not be able to move.

Now reassemble the pump. Make sure that the pump is completely close.
To be sure that no air is left in the pump you can assemble it under water.

I hope this will help you.

This modification works fine for me.



Re: help for reduce pompe noise

Sonntag, 17. März 2002, 23:45

Sorry for the double post (how do I edit my orginal post?)

Basically the ehiem- mod is to take out the impellar and put some teflon tape on the threads of the impellar shaft ...

Re: help for reduce pompe noise

Sonntag, 17. März 2002, 23:52

ok wait
my pomp no vibration
the noice come in the pomp (ti tic tac tic..................)
when it s forced

Re: help for reduce pompe noise

Montag, 18. März 2002, 01:34

ok thenk
my problem is to hop the wheel

Re: help for reduce pompe noise

Montag, 18. März 2002, 13:24

AFAIK pump-rattle is not caused by air bubbles in your water tubes, but by a too high amount of water pressure, which the pump cannot handle.

the eheim pumps -no matter whether we refer to x46 or x48- are manufactured in order to deal as pumps for your fishtank. so for that job, eheim inserted a 'flip-back' ability into the pumps, to save your $200 fishes when accidently sucked into the pump system, so the flip-back will, in this situation, not screw your -expensive- fish into pieces...

since in an overclocked computer -normally- there are no fishes, the question is, how the rattle is caused. the answer: too high water pressure.
this might be the case, if you have a larger amount of 90° tubings or your tubes have a too small diameter, are longer than they should be etc. etc.

to get rid of the pump-rattle, simply deassemble your eheim pump, locate the rotor and glue -or tape- it to the pump axis as described in the guides named above. first off: you should nevertheless get rid of your rattle-causing-circumstance first, to improve the water flow in your tubings. the pump might be silenced by the mod, but will produce more heat or even won't manage the job, since the too high water pressure still exists.

Well, here's my first question. Do you think it's kind of dangerous handing out guns at a bank? (Michael Moore, Bowling for Columbine)

Re: help for reduce pompe noise

Montag, 18. März 2002, 16:43

thank ;D ;D