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Junior Member

Some tips from the pros? (english help)

Dienstag, 29. Juli 2003, 22:00

hello, i bought watercooling and i'm in the states, i have no idea how to connect all this stuff, i'm sure i'll figure it out but can you give me any importaint tips?

i have
Cuplex™ plug&cool™ straight, Four-hole
mounting plate for P4
Twinplex™ chipset P4 plug&cool™ straight
twinplex ATI plug&cool straight
Airplex™ plug&cool™ angled parallel
High-grade steel mounting plate for
airplex™ Twin bracket
Screw set for Fan attachment
aquatube™ plug&cool™ straight, silver
Kit lighting module UV for aquatube™
Aquabay AT (Mounting for aquatube)
GlowMotion, for approx. 5l application.
Hose PURE clear, UV sensitive, plug&cool™
Angled link plug&cool™

thanks alot guys now heres some bad translated german:)

hallo, kaufte ich Watercooling und ich bin in den Zuständen, ich habe keine Idee, wie man dieses ganzes Material anschließt, ich sind sicher, daß ich es aus darstelle, aber kann Sie mir irgendwelche importainttips geben?

Re: Some tips from the pros? (english help)

Dienstag, 29. Juli 2003, 22:08

well i think it would be easier if you ask some concrete questions, because explaining how to install a complete watercooling kit is a bit difficult.

oh, and please write in english, and don't use these translators, it's awful ;D
C programmers never die. They are just cast into void. Neues moddingtech.de Portal online!

Re: Some tips from the pros? (english help)

Dienstag, 29. Juli 2003, 22:12

it might be helpfull to have a look at the pictures in these threads:
they might answer your main questions

Verwende keine sinnlose Gewalt. Hol einen größeren Hammer.

Re: Some tips from the pros? (english help)

Dienstag, 29. Juli 2003, 22:12

Zitat von »gerald«

hallo, kaufte ich Watercooling und ich bin in den Zuständen, ich habe keine Idee, wie man dieses ganzes Material anschließt, ich sind sicher, daß ich es aus darstelle, aber kann Sie mir irgendwelche importainttips geben?

wow this translation is worse than my english ;)


Junior Member

Re: Some tips from the pros? (english help)

Dienstag, 29. Juli 2003, 22:18

yeah goggle is horrible!!!, i didn't necessarily want you to tell me the whole procedure, just maybe something important I'm missing... any mistake that could be avoided etc. thanks.

Re: Some tips from the pros? (english help)

Dienstag, 29. Juli 2003, 22:24

hmm... use babelfish instead ;D

But i'm afraid it's not great either ;)



Re: Some tips from the pros? (english help)

Dienstag, 29. Juli 2003, 22:57

Ok, Ill try to help.

First we will hook everything up outside of the case, in order to avoid damage to the PC in case of leaks.
Scew all the hose-connectors into the parts (cuplex, twinlpexes, airplex so on). When cutting the hose, try to curt as straight as possible, to ensure that they fit tight into the plug&cool-connectors. be sure to get the right length, so you will not need to order more hose, when puuting the party into the computer.
hook up all the components in one ciciut. (serial)
if there is no leak: perfect.

now check you pc-case. the ideal spot to mount the airpley is in the lid of the case. be sure to find out, if there is enough space underneath it to fit in the airplex and the fans. if so cut a hole in the lid and fit the airplex steel mounting plate in (4 outer holes). it will hold the airplex underneath (4 inner holes).
watch that you have enough space for the hose and hose connectors.

cuplex and twinplexes should be self-explaining. just use the holes on the motherboard and graphicsboard to hook up.)

I don'T know muh about the aquabay, so you'll have to figure that out for yourself.

sorry, im outa time right now... post questions, i'll try to answer

Re: Some tips from the pros? (english help)

Dienstag, 29. Juli 2003, 23:17

one thing that could be helpful: install the aquatube right before the pump in your watercircuit. so the pump always gets air-free water directly from the tube.

the ordering of the other components in the water-circuit is irrelevant. just put them where they fit best.
C programmers never die. They are just cast into void. Neues moddingtech.de Portal online!

Re: Some tips from the pros? (english help)

Mittwoch, 30. Juli 2003, 01:01

i mounted the cooling devices (cuplex, twinplex) first and then
connected the tubing. this was to assure i've got the right
legth. testing for leakage remains simple: just turn on your
pump and keep the pc turned OFF with the power-cable not
connected to your pc. if anything will leak, it cannot harm your
hardware as long as there is no current available. just let your
system dry again and you're ready to go. connecting the tube
is easy, but you have to pay attention. there are two resistances
you can feel when plugging the hose into the connector.
first one is the plastic ring which seals the whole thing, then
push the tube a little further. overall the tubing should be
plugged into the connector by 2cm. most people blaming AC
for leaked connectors didn't plug the tube in correctly / far
enough. so pay attention to this one ;)

it's not important in wich order you plug your components
together. cpu-ati-airplex... cpu-airplex-ati... mix it baby!
temperatures will remain the same. so just do it as it fits
your needs. you don't want to route your tubes in a manner
that prevents you from replacing/upgrading a ram-module...
so that's the only thing you may take care of when wiring
your system together: keep it simple.

the aquabay should be self-explanatory. which connector
of the aquatube is your inlet and outlet is unimportant, as
they both are at the same height. so they both are under
water all the time, providing the pump with 100% airless
water. most common setup is inlet-lighting-outlet. some
lightning-inlet-outlet will NOT prevent you from bubbles
finding it's way to the aquatube being directly sucked into
the outlet... again taking a ride through your system.

the pump: whatever pump you'll use - it's inlet has to be
connected to the aquatube's outlet directly. no radi
or cooling unit between. this is to assure no bubbles being
sucked into the pump. if the pump is busy with smashing
bubbles on and on (they would hardly leave the pump), how
could there be waterflow? so that's another thing worth to
take care of. first aquatube, then pump. and really nothing
esle than tube between them. this can save you a lot of
work. wasting a whole afternoon with turning the pump on
and off to get those nasty bubbles out there is not part
of what you're planning to do. as already mentioned above
everything else can be plugged together in ANY order, just
dont mess with aquatube and pump. still questions? the
answers are right here ;)

well then, it's 11pm. time for
some enemy territory action.

Well, here's my first question. Do you think it's kind of dangerous handing out guns at a bank? (Michael Moore, Bowling for Columbine)

Re: Some tips from the pros? (english help)

Mittwoch, 30. Juli 2003, 01:10

Always good to know:

The pump (Eheim 1046) has to start, when your PC starts to prevent immediate death to your watercooled components

Several ways to achieve this:
1. Use a Master-slave-multi-power-plug
2. Use a power pack that has an integrated power plug (look for "Netzteile" in the Shop.
3. By a 12V-pump that connects to your power-pack just like any other component inside your system.

"Some men see things as they are and say why. I dream things that never were and say, why not?" John F. Kennedy

Re: Some tips from the pros? (english help)

Mittwoch, 30. Juli 2003, 02:14

4. always on

my favorite choice ;)

@ ticket

who told you he's using an eheim? ::)
Well, here's my first question. Do you think it's kind of dangerous handing out guns at a bank? (Michael Moore, Bowling for Columbine)

Re: Some tips from the pros? (english help)

Mittwoch, 30. Juli 2003, 02:44

The same person, that told you, that he intends to use the components to keep his PC cool :P
"Some men see things as they are and say why. I dream things that never were and say, why not?" John F. Kennedy


Junior Member

Re: Some tips from the pros? (english help)

Mittwoch, 30. Juli 2003, 05:55

wow thanks alot guys that pretty much answered all my question, the last couple of question i have is as follows:

1. Should i use paste (artic silver etc) on my cuplex twinplex?
2. I knoticed in alot of pictures the aquatubes are not filled all the way up (impossible?) why is this done, some are even almost half way empty.

3. when i pour the water in the aquatube should the pump be on? how do i go about making sure there is enough water in the system.?



Senior Member

Re: Some tips from the pros? (english help)

Mittwoch, 30. Juli 2003, 06:30

you can use any paste or pad for installing the cuplex.
Artic silver is imo a good choice.

A watercooling system is normally closed. I think you know, that the aqua tube was made for filling your system. So when you have filled the AT with a waterlevel you like, you only have to close it and the level stays in its position. But watch out for bubbles in the tubes and cooling units when you fill it the first time. It may needs some seconds till any bubbles are gone.

The pump must be on ;)


Senior Member

Re: Some tips from the pros? (english help)

Mittwoch, 30. Juli 2003, 11:26

Zitat von »gerald«

1. Should i use paste (artic silver etc) on my cuplex twinplex?

Yes, you have to use some paste between the chip (CPU, GPU, Northbridge or whatever you like to cool down) and the Cooler (Cuplex, Twinplex). And remember not to use too much of the paste, there has to be only a thin film of it! I use to smear the paste to the chip with a razorblade, then i put the cooler on. After that i take the cooler off again and wath if the chip has made a nice, full covered "mark" onto the cooler


2. I knoticed in alot of pictures the aquatubes are not filled all the way up (impossible?) why is this done, some are even almost half way empty.

Most of the people that bought an aquatube like the effect of the troubled water inside the tube when the pump is running. Many of the fans add an LED inside the tube to see more of the splashing water :)
You can fill the tube with water ´til its "Window" is covered, but leave a little space, don´t fill it to the top! If you like the splash-effect too, i suggest to fill in water until the window is 2/3 covered with water. This pevents the window to get "steamy".


3. when i pour the water in the aquatube should the pump be on? how do i go about making sure there is enough water in the system.?

When you begin to fill in the water into the aquatube the pump has to be running. Make sure the tube is the highest point at this moment, e.g. if you mounted the tube in front of your case, turn the case on the back so that you easily can fill in the water. Most pumps like Eheim are not self-sucking, so it takes a little time till the water reaches the Pump. From the moment the water reaches the pump it will flow through the hoses and all the components of your cooling-system. You have to make sure all the time, that the hole in the aquatube where the water is draining is always covered with water, otherwise air will get into the pump and into the system. But don´t worry about that, the job of the aquatube is to separate the air from the water (besides from putting smiles on the User´s face:) )
From the moment on when the water reaches the aquatube again, it´s your choice how much you´ll fill the tube as i mentioned above.

Have fun!

Re: Some tips from the pros? (english help)

Mittwoch, 30. Juli 2003, 11:48

arctic silver (or similar) seem to be intended for use on rough
coolers. as the cooling units provided by aqua-computer dont
really have a rough surface you might want to use silicon based
paste, so silver particles of arctic silver won't act as spacers
between cpu and cooling unit.

the aquatube should have some air in spare to compensate
different pressure levels. as the water expands while being
heatened, the small amount of air kept in your system is able
to be compressed, thus keeping your system in safe state.
it's questionable whether this is really neccessary, as our
temperature in a watercooling system will never change in
those huge values it does in industrial setups. further more,
the hoses are considered to deal with much higher temps,
so you could decide by yourself. anyway: you have to admit
that a half filled aquatube showing a fountain is kind of more
good looking that an aquatube you dont see anything else in
than pure water. the lighting kit will give the fountain some
nice reflections... that's the way it's meant to look like ;)

you pure some water into the aquatube and wait until it
reaches the pump. this shouldn't take much time. then
turn on the pump and keep on filling your AT with water.
if the pump pumps faster than you can pure the water,
stop the pump, fill the AT, start the pump... and so on.
just avoid any air getting sucked into the pump. it's likely
that whatever you do you still have some air in your system
where you don't want to have it. they might stick in the
hose like glue and will release only after hours an hours
your system is working already. however they will end
in your aquatube. all you have to do, is keep an eye on
the aquatube and refill your system time by time. once
every little bubble is out your sys, the water level will
remain stable... simple one, uh ;)

Well, here's my first question. Do you think it's kind of dangerous handing out guns at a bank? (Michael Moore, Bowling for Columbine)

Re: Some tips from the pros? (english help)

Mittwoch, 30. Juli 2003, 12:20

as i read form your list you still have the airplex classic? if this is the case then i reccomend connecting the pump to the airplex for a few hours to get the oil residues of the manufacturing process out, because otherwise your hose will become brown like sh*t. it doesn´t affect cooling in any way but it's some severe aesthetic drawback ::).

here's some kind of checklist, i think you might appreciate this:

1. clean the airplex (if you have an airplex EVO it doesn't require cleaning)
2. figure out how to best fit the housing in your case (depends on case, cards, board, ...) while keeping in mind that you have to connect the outlet of your aquatube DIRECTLY to the inlet of the pump (the inlet is the front connector, the outlet is on the top)
3. disconnect the powercord
4. carefully install the cooling elements on their respective devices using a thin film of thermal compund (arctic silver and the like)
5. really carefully connect the hoseing to the components in order not to f*ck the die's of your GPU and NB (P4 is not that dangerous because of the heatspreader) if you connect the hose to the pnc connector you should feel resistance twice! you need to push beyond the second resistence. when connecting the first hose try it on some component that isn't placed on a chip and make a mark on your hose approximately 3/4" behind the end of the hose. the mark should disappear. you can't push the hose in too far so just try. if you connected the first one it's really simple to do it right.

3/4" --->| mark
######|############### hose

6. take 1/4 gallon water and mix it with the ac-fluid
7. if everything is installed turn your case on it's back (because using the aquabay at requires you to install the aquatube horizontally) and connect your pump to some wall outlet. you will hear some really annoying sound because your pump is running dry. now carefully fill in the water/acfluid from (6) in the tube. the pump's noises should change as soon as the liquid reaches the pump. now fill in slowly until you see the water coming out of the tube's inlet. fill up further at least until the outlet is completely covered and the pump doesn't suck air bubbles from the tube. you can fill it up as much as you like, tough not all the way to the top because the air in the tube has to compensate the expanding fluid as it gets warmer.
8. screw the tube closed and put your case back into upright position
9. switch the pump on/off a few times to get all the air out because air in the pump causes nasty sounds ::)
10. monitor the system for a few hours. you should especially check the connectors for leaks. if everything is in order plug in your pc and enjoy the silence ;D

sorry for all the spelling/grammar errors, but it's not that easy to write some specific piece of text in a foreign language ;)
i hope it's easier to understand than the google translation *rofl* ;D
mfg gf

Zitat von »Empi«

Und die Frauen werden uns nie verstehen, wir sie umgekehrt auch nicht. :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( Aber Frauen soll man ja auch nicht verstehen, sondern begreifen. ;D Empi


Junior Member

Re: Some tips from the pros? (english help)

Mittwoch, 30. Juli 2003, 23:19

wow thanks so much thats everything i ever wanted to know!,

is the new air plex better then the old one?

and you english is really good, sooooo much better then the two words i know in german. :)

Re: Some tips from the pros? (english help)

Donnerstag, 31. Juli 2003, 00:17

yes the new airples is better than the old one.the temperature is better also it´s airflow and stability because of the frame arround.another favor is that the plug&cool straighs are on a better position.
sorry for my english.

Re: Some tips from the pros? (english help)

Donnerstag, 31. Juli 2003, 01:03

Zitat von »gerald«

is the new air plex better then the old one?

actually it's not adviseable for aqua-computer to release
new products which are worse than their old counterparts ;)

Well, here's my first question. Do you think it's kind of dangerous handing out guns at a bank? (Michael Moore, Bowling for Columbine)