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Aquaero 5 XT and Aquastream XT Ultra questions

Mittwoch, 27. Juli 2011, 23:58

I just got my Aquaero5 hooked up and I have it connected to my Aquastream with the aquabus cable. Aquaero recognizes the pump, but I can't figure how to view the flow rate from the pump on the Aquastream. Do I need to connect the RPM header to the aquaero?
Also not sure on how I can view data logs on the screen. I configured the data logs (like water temp) and a fan curve controller, but the Charts don't display anything.

Donnerstag, 28. Juli 2011, 12:28

The aquastream XT has no integrated flow sensor. The ultra variant offers the option to connect such a sensor but even in this case you would not be able to get its values through the aquabus. When you want to use such a sensor, just connect it directly to the aquaero.

Donnerstag, 28. Juli 2011, 18:49

But we can't use the senson and the aquaero 5 in order to configure the pump since aquaero 5 doesn't support the pump yet right?

So what is the purpose of the flow sensor and the aquaero? Or to put it differently when will the next version of the software come which will support all sensors etc?


Junior Member

Donnerstag, 28. Juli 2011, 19:32

Then, how can I get my Aquaero5 to display chart data? I have one of my data sources set to the water temp sensor, and another to the radiator fan speeds. The charts never update, regardless of the data interval.

Donnerstag, 28. Juli 2011, 22:07

That's the deal. You can't. At least not until aquasuite 2012 supports Aquastream XT. Right now Aquaero 5 is only supported by Aquasuite 2012 BUT the pump is supported by the older Aquasuite software version 4.72. Therefore you will never see updated charts etc until a new release. If you install the old version you will the charts and everything else related with the pump normally but you can forget about aquaero 5 :)

This is frustrating I know. I have the same problem.


Junior Member

Freitag, 29. Juli 2011, 00:55

So because I have my Aquastream pump connected via Aquabus, none of my charts will update? ?(

It's odd because I can see the water temp in my Aquaero, and can set a curve controller to use that sensor to control my fan speeds, though even that does not appear to be working correctly, compared to how I set the curve (fans spin higher than what it's set at, though not 100%). I guess I'm a little confused because if Sensor 11 (water temp) is displayed correctly, then shouldn't the charts work? Also, I have 3x fans connected directly to fan1 header on the Aquaero, but the chart for those also refuses to update :(

Freitag, 29. Juli 2011, 09:54

Sufu, he is talking about the charts in the aquasuite ;)

To display a chart in your device go to data log -> data log configuration -> data set X -> select a data source (the water temperature from your pump for example) and also set an interval

Since you only have only configured a display site now you will have to activate it in user interface -> information pages -> page X -> select information to be shown and chose the data set which you have configured before, afterwards go to screen mode and select show pare or show page permanently. I recommend to active the page via the aquasuite screen settings since it offers you an much better overview about activated and deactivated screens. You can move them with drag and drop.

Of course this chart can be also displayed in the aquasuite 2012.


Junior Member

Samstag, 30. Juli 2011, 05:59

Ok, so I got the page up there, but for some reason it seems that it stopped updating. ?(

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It's 11:56pm EST right now and Aquaero time is synced with PC time.

Dienstag, 2. August 2011, 12:25

Which update interval have you set?


Junior Member

Freitag, 5. August 2011, 01:52

I tried 10sec to 30sec, and at the lower settings it stalls out within a day. I guess it has too much data but doesn't clear the old one? At around 1min intervals, it lasts a few days but the problem eventually comes back. I still have problems getting the charts back whenever I clear out the data - it seems resetting it breaks everything again, and I am not sure how I managed to get the charts to update last time ?(

I also have a different problem, where the fan speeds are higher than what I have them set to in the controllers. Like to get my 140mm fans to spin at 90%, I have to set the power in AQ5 to 85%. I don't know if it's a display bug, but so far it doesn't look like it. My 3x 120mm rad fans have the same problem; they spin higher than what the power setting is set to in the controller.

Donnerstag, 11. August 2011, 10:51

Unfortunately I have no idea on the charts. I also never heard of others with problems like that.

The fan problem is likely a configuration problem. You can adjust a minimum and maximum speed for the fan channels which is used for all controls. It is useful when you want to operate the fans only within a specific range or you know that they only start to work with a power of xx%. Maybe that is the reason why your settings differ from the real values.