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Kryos adapter for socket 2011?

Donnerstag, 15. September 2011, 12:58

I own one of the expensive silver-based Kryos models. x79 motherboards were just unveiled, and I am concerned that the x58 cooler will not be compatible. This concern was just further emphasized when a Gigabyte spokeman told me that the new x79 socket retention mechanism will mount directly to the cooler.

So... is there a mounting adapter in the works for the Kryos, or will I have to mod the socket itself? I have more than $300 invested in this block (body custom plated by RRT) and would hate to see it go to waste.

Donnerstag, 22. September 2011, 03:59


Do the copper Airplex Modularity rads have a coating on the fins to prevent tarnishing?

Donnerstag, 29. September 2011, 09:24

Since there is no mainboard available yet, we also had no chance to produce a new mounting system.

The copper fins have no protective coating.

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