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Junior Member

Aquasuite BETA 8 problem with firmware update

Samstag, 1. Oktober 2011, 13:59

I've been running all versions of the aquasuite firmware updates from day one no problem.
My last update was to Aquasuite Beta 6 - so I downloaded ver 8 today and installed it fine.
However when I tried to upgrade the firmware its get stuck at this point:

I've tried rebooting and reinstalling it to no avail.
The AE5 display is blank with the letter AE in the bottom right corner.
Help please!!!!!


Junior Member

Samstag, 1. Oktober 2011, 15:08

ok fixed this one myself :)

Using the information given by shoggy here:
Aquaero 5 LT Fail--Firmware 1014 / Beta 6 bricked it!

I performed the check on my mouse polling rate (having a Razer Mamba mouse). Even though I don't ever install the razer drivers it looks like the polling rate was set to 500hz!
I installed the Razer driver software, set the polling rate to 125Hz, used the tool shoggy supplied to check it and re-ran the firmware upgrade program.

yaaay! - All worked great!. :thumbsup:

Thanks for the information shoggy, but I think either yourselves or Razer should address this driver issue, taking into account most high-end watercooled systems are used by gamers and have these Razer mice alongside your Aqua-aero product. The interesting thing here for me is that I never ever install the razer driver - so how the polling rate on the ports 'magically' changed to 500Hz - I don't think its their driver to blame.....


Junior Member

Samstag, 1. Oktober 2011, 15:11

by the way - just thought I'd mention - I've never had this problem before using the same Razer Mamba mouse setup (i.e. just the mouse and no drivers installed)
This problem only occurs in this new firmware.......



Montag, 3. Oktober 2011, 16:25

I had this issue repeatedly myself, and just plain could not resolve it in what I would consider a normal way.
2 separate systems
1 With a Razor mouse, 1 without - so I do not consider that a factor (especially as I reset the polling rate to 125).

What it turned out my issue was is something to do with the 1155 / Sandy Bridge chipset. Now, while I did manage a work-around (the system works just fine once the firmware is upgraded).

I ended up having to make my own interface cable so I could connect to the aquaero 5 LT from my laptop with a standard USB port. There the firmware upgrade worked flawlessly the first try.

Now, I noticed that the actual point where it fails, is right during the reset portion of the upgrade - ie: The download happens, there is a short disconnect and then reconnect of the Aquaero from communications / the software (you can see it lose connection, and then restore it). On my 2 systems above, at this point it would just plain hang, and not finish the process. With the laptop connection it managed to continue on without a problem. So - there must be something different with an 1155 system (or at least an ASUS MB and 1155) and how it is resetting the USB on a disconnect / reconnect of the device. [ hopefully something here will be useful to others ].

Mittwoch, 5. Oktober 2011, 11:28

Root cause for this problem might be the same than for AE4 and 1155 / Sandybridge chipset bug with USB HID recognition, just as a hint. Sometimes the AE4 is recognized as a HID device in the device manager and sometimes not. Probably the flashing tool uses the same HID recognition procedure than AE4, which is known to be buggy on Sandybridge boards...

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »error126« (5. Oktober 2011, 11:35)

Mittwoch, 12. Oktober 2011, 09:56

Root cause for this problem might be the same than for AE4 and 1155 / Sandybridge chipset bug with USB HID recognition, just as a hint. Sometimes the AE4 is recognized as a HID device in the device manager and sometimes not. Probably the flashing tool uses the same HID recognition procedure than AE4, which is known to be buggy on Sandybridge boards...
That has absolutely noting to do with that! The aquaero 5 uses a completely different hardware and software design - nothing was reused from aquaero 4.

Mittwoch, 12. Oktober 2011, 15:23

okay, was just a wild guess anyway ;o)