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Which soap do I use to wash my Aquaero 5 LT?

Dienstag, 29. November 2011, 22:48

The Aquaero 5 LT arrived yesterday, and it has a sticker on the beeper that says: "Remove seal after washing" What is the procedure for "washing" an Aquaero 5? Which soap do I use? Should it be line dried, or tumble dried? :wacko:

Seriously, as of right now the AE 5 LT is running very nicely and I'm quite happy with it. It is dangling from the open side of the case, with only one fan, and one temperature sensor connected to it, for testing and learning. Shoggy's advice on using Recovery Mode before updating the firmware was perfect. And the Aquasuite 2012 software is very nice.

It seems that the AE 5 LT and the AS 2012 software will be able to do everything I want it to, and more. Lots more: see my 2nd post about thinking creatively about what the AE systems can do.
Dogs live by four simple rules: Eat, Sleep, Play, Love. The world would be a much better place if we humans lived by only these rules as well.

Mittwoch, 30. November 2011, 12:31

You can just remove that seal (the beeper will be much louder than). Should be normally already done in our house before shipping.

Mittwoch, 30. November 2011, 17:38

Hi Sven,

I was just joking about washing the AE 5 LT. My main point was contained in the second and third paragraphs.

And, thank you for answering my email a few weeks ago, when I asked about the AE 5 LT being able to control fans using a curve. Based on your answer, I bought one and am very happy with it. It and the Aquasuite installed very easily, and run perfectly. I had to put the AE 5 LT in recovery mode to update to the new firmware, and only had 1 jumper at home, so I fabricated three more out of 24 ga. Cat. 5e network wire. Making the tiny jumpers was the hardest part of installation LOL.
Dogs live by four simple rules: Eat, Sleep, Play, Love. The world would be a much better place if we humans lived by only these rules as well.