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Junior Member

Aquastream XT Ultra and fan control

Mittwoch, 7. Dezember 2011, 22:30

I have connected a fan with three pins in the fan output of an Aquastream XT Ultra pump. When the fan output of the pump is enabled in any mode (manual or temperature control) and there is no fan connected the output voltage is measured to be 11.5V. When I connect a fan, the output voltage from the pump drops at 2.2V and then fan draws 4mA and the fan does not rotate. The fan is a coolink SWIF 1200 which is supposed to be a very low power fan drawing only 50mA at 12V. I have tested the fan separately and it works.
Anybody knows why the pump can not drive the fan?


Junior Member

RE: Aquastream XT Ultra and fan control

Donnerstag, 8. Dezember 2011, 12:37

Unfortunately my pump is faulty. Please, you may ignore this post.

I have connected a fan with three pins in the fan output of an Aquastream XT Ultra pump. When the fan output of the pump is enabled in any mode (manual or temperature control) and there is no fan connected the output voltage is measured to be 11.5V. When I connect a fan, the output voltage from the pump drops at 2.2V and then fan draws 4mA and the fan does not rotate. The fan is a coolink SWIF 1200 which is supposed to be a very low power fan drawing only 50mA at 12V. I have tested the fan separately and it works.
Anybody knows why the pump can not drive the fan?