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Hard Drive Internal Temps

Freitag, 27. April 2012, 00:52

I recently purchased a Aquaero 5 LT to monitor and control my Home Server thats sits in a very hostile environment. (as in HEAT/COLD/FREEZING).

Its taken me a few days to get my head around the software due to a lack of tutorials. (PLEASE correct me if im wrong).

I have a question, Is it possible to use the hard drive internal temperatures as a data source?

Im using 1x sensor at the moment selotaped to 1 drive, but i have 4x green drives and any number of drives could be spinning. Only a spinning drive produces heat so if the drive im monitoring is not spinning and another is, i have no way to control the 200mm fan pointing at them.

Before ask...200mm fans? Coolermaster HAF X case.

In an ideal world, i'd like to pipe all hard drive temps to 1x fan control curve.

I want to add more fan power points as i have more than 4x fans and i want individual control over my fans.....what do i need?

So far, amazing product though!!

Server : Coolermaster HAF X, Gigabyte H67 1155, Core i3 Sandybridge, 8GB GSkill 1333, 60GB OCZ Agility SSD , 6TB Green Storage, WHS 2011

HTPC : Mozart TX, Asrock Z68 Pro3, Core i5 2500K Sandybridge, 8GB GSkill 1666, 120GB OCZ Vertex 3 SSD, Win 7 64x

Freitag, 27. April 2012, 18:59

I think you can get a Plug in that will show CPU core temps and motherboard temps.but I'm not sure about the hard drives. You can use the temperature sensors and put them on each Hard Drive too monitor the temps.And use this data too control the fans. Unless the fans you are using have AMPS that exceed the Aquaero's rating of 1.65 @ 12 volts Per channel 5 amp total.

Freitag, 27. April 2012, 22:06

Yes i have had a play around with the aqua service program, but it only aquires temps from the SMBUS (ie cpu/mobo). Hard drive temperatures are aquired using SMART information from each drive. It would of been good to use those temps as "data sources" to control my main 200mm hard drive fan. That fan blows over 4x drives.

Attaching foil temp monitors to each drive is messy and also removes the ability to pull them out. I hope the next version of the software will support this simple thing.

I must admit im liking my aquaero LT very much so far. Software is sloppy though.

Server : Coolermaster HAF X, Gigabyte H67 1155, Core i3 Sandybridge, 8GB GSkill 1333, 60GB OCZ Agility SSD , 6TB Green Storage, WHS 2011

HTPC : Mozart TX, Asrock Z68 Pro3, Core i5 2500K Sandybridge, 8GB GSkill 1666, 120GB OCZ Vertex 3 SSD, Win 7 64x

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